Student Contract

Student Contract

If you are placed on a student contract, you must make improvements in the areas identified within the time period stated in the contract.

Students may be placed on a student contract for the following reasons (including but not limited to):

  • Unacceptable attendance and/or excessive absences

  • Lack of responsibility to contact staff regarding absences

  • Unacceptable productivity (coursework being completed within a reasonable time)

  • Recurring behavior that is deemed disrespectful, distracting, and/or unsafe by ALC staff

  • Other reasons as determined by ALC staff

Students placed on a contract, and their parents/guardians will be notified in writing of the reason(s), the time period of the contract, and advised of contract expectations.

A student on contract will automatically be dismissed from the ALC program for the following:

  • Directed by staff to leave the premises (dismissed)

  • Any unexcused absence

  • Failure to notify staff of absence by 10am deadline

  • Behavior that is disruptive, disrespectful, unsafe, or illegal

  • Insubordination

  • Inadequate work production (sleeping and/or sitting without doing work, excessive talking with peers during work time, engaging in activities unrelated to assigned coursework)

Under the conditions of the contract, your school performance will be closely monitored. At the end of the contract period Julia Gray, ALC Coordinator, will determine:

  1. If your performance during the contract time has eliminated the discrepancy, the contract will be removed.

  2. If the contract expectation has not been met, you will be placed on a 1 to 3 day suspension*. After which time, a parent meeting will be required and an individual plan will be developed to determine appropriate placement. Such placement may include continued enrollment at the ALC with restrictions or referral to return to mainstream school.

Consecutive broken contracts or failure to comply with restrictions after suspension period will be grounds for further suspension or dismissal from the ALC program. For more information regarding dismissal and re-admittance, please click on the links at the top of this page.

*Students who are enrolled at the ALC past the 12th grade and are placed on a contract will have different consequences for breaking contract requirements.