Foundation curriculum.

At OLPS, units 1-6 of the RRRR program are implemented.

As of Term 4, 2022, Unit 7 will be implemented.

Years 1-2 curriculum.

At OLPS, units 1-6 of the RRRR program are implemented.

As of Term 4, 2022, Unit 7 will be implemented.

Years 3-4 curriculum.

At OLPS, units 1-6 of the RRRR program are implemented.

As of Term 4, 2022, Unit 7 will be implemented.

Years 5-6 curriculum.

At OLPS, units 1-6 of the RRRR program are implemented.

As of Term 4, 2022, Unit 7 will be implemented.

“Zones” is a curriculum designed to help students identify their feelings and emotional reactions and learn sensory and perspective taking strategies that encourage better self-regulation.

A simple colour coded, four zones format encourages learning. This is a classroom and family friendly tool with wide application across students of all ages, right into adulthood.

The 'Zones' is implemented from Years F-6 at OLPS.

The Bounce Back Program is a resource teachers use at OLPS to supplement The Zones of Regulation and the RRRR programs.

The Bounce Back program promotes positive mental health, wellbeing and resilience for students.

Berry Street Educational Model

Throughout 2018 and 2019, Our Lady's Staff engaged in the Berry Street Training and many of the strategies are incorporated within our teaching practice.

Brain Breaks

The Berry Street Educational Program and the Institute of Positive Education strongly recommended regular brain breaks. An online version was recently released for teachers to use.

Free Remote Wellbeing Resources (Primary) focusing on wellbeing, meditation and mindfulness.

These weekly booklets have been shared via Seesaw each week.

Valuable information and guidance for students to help them make the most of the wide range of online apps and resources available.

A worksheet to open communication and discuss emotions showing that everyone feels different and thats okay.

Access a range of free educational resources developed for teachers, young people and parents.

Talking to children and young people about COVID-19

30+ Phrases To Calm An

Anxious Child

Resources to help teachers, students, and families navigate school closures and other COVID-19 challenges.

Explore teaching resources that assist with wellbeing education.