Our Lady's Wellbeing Hub



Welcome to our virtual hub - a library of resources for our community.  

Our wellbeing hub is designed with the intention of this site being a library of resources for students, parents and teachers in our community. There are many useful links to support wellbeing in general. 

Our Hub was originally created throughout our lockdowns as a support to all members of our school community. However, However, due to the fact there are many useful links and resources within this site, we decided to maintain it. It is currently updated a few times a year.

Many useful links can be found in the Parent Hub, Student Hub, Virtual Library and Virtual Calming Room . 

We really hope you find our wellbeing hub a wealth of resources. Feel free to email us if you have any comments, feedback or questions. 

Please note: Links on the Hub...

The majority of the links within the Hub are youtube links.

This means you will see advertisements and side clips.

Please skip the advertisements whenever you are prompted, and ignore the side clips. Click on FULL SCREEN so you can see the book/clip on your full screen. 

Enjoy the virtual library selection. There are so many books to choose from! 

What's new to the Hub?

Updates (as @ 31/07/23

Parenting Ideas

Our Lady’s School are members to Happy Families, formerly known as Parenting Ideas

It is an extremely valuable website providing relevant resources to parents and teachers. We currently feature the articles in our weekly newsletter

Check out the new links on the Parent HUB...

Resource: Berry Street Educational Model

The Virtual Calming Room was designed to support students in finding different strategies and tools to help them manage their emotions. Hopefully these tools will provide helpful tools and practices when they are needed.