UMS Literature and Vocabulary
Procedures for 7th and 8th grade
Google Classroom: Power point of what we went over in class will be posted daily as well as any papers handed out. If absent, be sure to look at Google classroom for all information and "classwork" for papers. If you forget an assignment at school, look on Google classroom for the paper - write your answers on notebook paper and in pen, and turn in next day.
Homework: vocabulary practice in workbook; assignments are due on Wednesday, Friday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with testing usually on Friday (we spend two weeks per unit)
In-class work: notes in comp book
Literature questions loose-leaf notebook paper
Grade vocabulary as a class and record scores each time
Cross-Curricular Reading Program -
Ties to curriculum that will be taught in each specific class and quarter will be addressed in the assigned book.
Students received this paper on August 23rd - they should be sharing it with you immediately.
Will be a cross - curricular
**Assignment Requirements
Use loose-leaf notebook paper only
Use blue or black ink only - no pencil
Turned in at the beginning of class when called for; late work is 50% credit after one day, zero after the second day.
TWO blue or black pens (no pencils- work will not be accepted if it is in pencil) and a red pen (for grading)
Comp book (kept in classroom)
Reading book
Chrome book
Vocabulary book
Any homework assignment due that day
Class Expectations, Rules and Procedures:
Respect yourself, teacher, and others.
Be prepared for class each day - class supplies and a charged computer each day.
Follow directions when given.
Pay attention, participate and ask questions.
Preserve a positive learning environment for everyone.
Take responsibility for your actions.
Arrive to class on time and ready to start. We go from the start of class to the end!
Turn in completed homework. I will not accept work not completed. If you don’t understand something, come in early and ask so that the assignment can be completed on time.
Do not cheat/copy work! If I see you cheating on any assignment...even for another class...I will give you a zero and also let the other teacher know.
Pick up after yourself and do not draw on the desks please.
Use polite and appropriate language.
When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find the assignment/notes and get it turned in. Make sure to check Google Classroom for notes/assignments.
All papers handed out in class, can be found in google classroom under "Classwork".
Make arrangements to take quizzes/tests immediately. You may come in at 7:15 in the morning to make up quizzes and tests. It is your responsibility to make these arrangements; I will not and cannot track you down.
If a situation arises that isn’t covered specifically above, the adult in charge will determine what is appropriate, safe and fair.
If you have any questions, I am here to help in any way I can. Email me to let me know you are coming in early or if you have a question; please don't just not do the work.