Chapter 6: It's Only the Beginning


  • Great habits help us become the-best-version-of-ourselves.

  • Daily prayer helps us hear God’s voice and gives us courage to do what he is inviting us to do.

  • Gratitude for God’s blessings fills us with joy.

Opening Prayer:

Start by saying, “Let’s take a moment in silence to be still and quiet and open ourselves up to whatever God wants to lead us today.”

Have your child/children bless themselves and read the prayer:

God, our loving Father, thank you for all the ways you bless me. Help me to be aware that every person, place and adventure I experience is an opportunity to love you more. Fill me with a desire to change and to grow, and give me the grace to become the best-version-of-myself in every moment of every day. Amen.

Watch & Discuss / Read & Explore

Watch Episode 1 and read page 179

  • Ask your child to once again share a great moment in their life then share with them why you're excited for them to receive their First Reconciliation.

Watch Episode 2 and read page 108-181

  • Share with your child some of the best gifts you have received (blessings that may go unnoticed - air to breathe, ears to listen, a favorite meal, sunsets, family, etc.)

Watch Episode 3 and read page 182-183

  • Ask your child: "Did anyone ever really teach you to pray?"

  • Share with your child how you learned to pray.

Watch Episode 4 and read pages 184-187

Watch Episode 5 and read pages 188-189

Watch Episode 6 and read pages 190-191

  • Give your child time to create their own gratitude list.

  • Read pages 194-195

  • Let your child know how excited you are for them to experience their next Catholic moment (First Communion)

Show What You Know

Pages 196-197 are a review of what you have learned in this chapter. Give your child time to answer all of the questions and review the answers with them at the end. Suggest that they may have to look back in the chapter to find the answers to some of the trickier questions.

Journal with Jesus & Closing Prayer

Have your child write as if they are writing a letter to Jesus. In this chapter they will be writing a letter about reasons they feel blessed to be able to receive their First Reconciliation.

Ask what are some of the most important things they learned in this session.

  • I am blessed

  • Prayer helps me discover God’s will for my life.

  • Great habits help me become the-Best-Version-of-Myself.

  • Being grateful means thanking God for all the ways He has blessed me.

  • God wants me to be happy!

Watch Episode 7 and read the closing prayer on page 200-201.

Family Connection Activity

Modeling is an important part of many aspects of parenting. And it’s important in the faith life, too! Go to confession as a family. Make an appointment with Fr. Martin or go to the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan.

It can be difficult and distracting, but it’s important that our children see us going to this Sacrament regularly, and that we think it’s important – to help them know that even though it may be difficult and scary, we do this too.

Make it a point to go once a month or twice a month. It makes it easier for them to have the routine, and to have the witness of their parents going to confession, too.

Pray this Prayer with Your Child Each Day this Week

O my God, I love you above all things with my whole heart and soul because you are all good and worthy of all my love. I love my neighbor as myself for the love of you. I forgive all who have injured me and ask pardon of all whom I have injured. Amen.