Week 7 - Friday 23rd October 2020

Next week is half term we hope you get to relax. Don't forget Monday 2nd November is inset day. School will resume on Tuesday 3rd November following the Welsh Government announcement earlier this week. The Welsh Government has said that ensuring children can continue to be taught in school is a priority, and schools are also a safe environment.

Here is a reminder of the current Welsh Government guidelines and frequently asked questions. Coronavirus Firebreak

Message to parents, staff and pupils from Mr Thompson

I usually save my thanks and extended messages for the end of a full-term. In breaking that tradition, I am writing today to firstly wish you well over the 10-day break from school for the October Half-term holiday.

This term has presented the school and society with further challenges and hardship. I never imagined what we would be working through this half term, much of it built on things we have learnt since March but some new and complex issues. Through all of this, our staff have undoubtedly shone. I am very proud of the way they have reintegrated pupils back into school and supported both their learning but also their wellbeing. It has been a powerful reminder of the purpose of the school in caring for and educating the pupils we serve.

My gratitude also extends to our pupils. Where pupils have been asked to work differently or make changes they have adapted without fault. We know that as parents, you have also had to adapt, changes to drop-offs and collection, before and after school routines and the way you interact with the school. I am also grateful for the way that families have followed school and community rules and acted in the best interests of the Oldcastle Community.

Next term will undoubtedly present new and perhaps unimagined challenges. We will revisit our systems and protocols and be ready again when school returns on Tuesday, 3rd November. I know that in the period before the Christmas holidays, the work we do will be even more important. We continue to operate our email address ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk, and if during the half-term break you need the support or advice of the school, please email us. Collectively and even though things are difficult, we are all ‘Oldcastle’ supporting each other as the heart of our community.

Letter from Director of Education

Please click on the document below to expand and read the letter from the Director of Education.

EN Letter to Parents - Firebreak Lockdown 231020 v1.0.docx

Secondary School Admissions

Secondary school admissions are open via the Bridgend Council website. If your child is due to transfer from a primary school to Year 7 at a secondary school in September 2021, you must complete an application. You are able to apply online via this link. Bridgend Council School Admissions

Governors Report to Parents

Every year our school governors are required to produce an annual report to parents. The report for the last school year has been emailed to parents today and can also be viewed here.

School Savings Club

Another busy week in school savings club with 96 savers. So lovely to see many of our pupils saving their money. Well done! Thank you for your support. Savings Club will continue every Wednesday morning. If your child would like to join please download and complete an application form available on our website. Every new child account will receive £2 from the school to start them on their savings journey. School Savings Club Application Form

Packed lunch / snacks

Please remember that we have a number of children in school with a nut allergy. Please do not send in any items that contain nuts into school. This includes nutella bars and peanut butter sandwiches. Please also remember that grapes should not be sent into school.

If your child brings an item in their packed lunch that requires a spoon / fork they will need to bring one into school with them. We do not have a supply of spoons or forks to provide to our packed lunch children.

Remembrance Day - Wednesday 11th November

We will be commemorating remembrance day on Wednesday 11th November with a mark of silence at 11am and children will be completing a range of activity sessions to learn about the heritage and tradition of remembrance. Unfortunately we will not be able to fundraise through the sale of remembrance poppies and other merchandise this year. If you would like to make a donation to the Royal British Legion you may do so via their website. Alternatively, we are happy to accept donations and pass these directly onto the Royal British Legion. Royal British Legion website.

Children in Need - Friday 13th November

We are delighted to support Children in Need again this year in November. After the stress and worry of the coronavirus pandemic, the charity are making children's mental health their number one priority this year. As part of our commitment to Children in Need we aim to supercharge our pupils mental welbeing. We look forward to telling you more nearer the time!

Christmas Dinner - response required from all parents

Its that time of year when we start to think about Christmas. Despite these different times we are keen to offer our children the opportunity to have Christmas Dinner at school.

Christmas dinner will be served in early December. The cost of the meal is £2.20. Please inform us if your child requires Christmas dinner or if they will be bringing their own sandwiches on this day - a response is required for both options.

Payment for the Christmas dinner should be made to your child's dinner account via Bridgend County Borough Council website. Please ensure payment is received before Monday 6th December. Christmas lunch will not be served to any child with no credit on their account.

Please complete a separate form for multiple children. Please complete the form below and submit by 4th November.

If you cannot view the form below please click here. Christmas Dinner Booking Form

Year 6 Brynteg Transition

Year 6 parents have been emailed with information from Brynteg School regarding a new transition website they have developed. If you have not received the email please let us know.

Inset Days

Inset days for the school year have been approved and these are:

  • Monday 2nd November 2020

  • Monday 12th April 2021

  • Monday 7th June 2021

  • Monday 19th July 2021

  • Tuesday 20th July 2021

COVID Symptoms

Please remember if you or child presents any othe COVID symptoms you must self isolate and have a test.

  • High temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature);

  • New, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual);

  • Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

Please can we also remind parents of the Welsh Government guidelines regarding COVID 19 -

  • If you or any other member of your household has COVID symptoms you must stay at home. If you have symptoms you should get a test.

  • Children should not attend school if you or someone else in your household has symptoms or is having a test.

  • Once the test result is received as negative children may return to school. Please inform the school when you receive the test result.

  • If a positive result is received children should isolate for the 14 day period.

Keeping in contact

Please ensure you contact the school in the following ways when you need to inform us of COVID symptoms and / or test.

Telephone - 01656 815790 during school hours

And / or Email - ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk


On the days when your child's class has P.E. they should wear their P.E. kit to school for the day instead of their uniform.. P.E. kit should consist of dark shorts / leggings / tracksuit and a white t-shirt. On top of the P.E. kit we recommend a school hoodie / jumper / cardigan, tracksuit and trainers. Please also remember that jewellery should not be worn for P.E - this includes earrings, necklaces, rings and hard headbands - and long hair should be tied back.

P.E. will be held on the following days for each year group:

  • Reception - Thursday

  • Year 1 - Monday

  • Year 2 - Friday

  • Year 3 - Wednesday

  • Year 4 - Tuesday

  • Year 5 - Friday

  • Year 6 - Thursday

Water Bottle

Please can you ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle that is named. Children in years 3 - 6 will need to ensure they have sufficient supply for the day, either by bringing in a large bottle or two smaller bottles, this is due to accessibility to water supplies outside of their class bubble.

Nasal Flu Vaccination Programme

The School nursing team have booked the nasal flu vaccination programme to take place at Oldcastle on Thursday 3rd December. Letters will be sent home with children in Reception to Year 6 after half term - all parents are required to complete a form to indicate if your child will be having the vaccine.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 3rd November!