Week 23 - Friday 12th March 2021

Monday 15th March

We are so looking forward to seeing all our pupils again on Monday 15th March. Our staff have been planning for our full re-opening. From next week, children in years 3 to 6 will return to school which will mean that all year groups will be back in Oldcastle. School staff are ready to receive all our children and will be delighted to see everyone on Monday.

Please can we remind parents of the following:

  • The school has a one-way system. Please enter the school through the side gate on St Marie Street and exit through the South Street gates.

  • Parents are requested to wear a mask unless they are exempt.

  • Social distancing must be adhered to as much as possible.

  • To keep numbers to a minimum, where possible only one member per family to bring and collect the children from school.

  • Children must not bring bags into school, just a water bottle and lunch box if they are having sandwiches.

  • Breakfast club and after school club provision will not be provided at the current time.

To ensure the safety of children and staff we would kindly like to remind parents not to mix with other families outside their bubble before and after school. Please follow the current welsh government guidelines.

Below is a reminder of the entry and exit arrangements for parents and pupils. If you have any questions regarding returning to school please contact us via our ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk email.


In line with public health and local authority guidance, we have developed a handwashing protocol as part of our risk assessment process. The handwashing protocol was implemented last year and has been reintroduced following our return to school. As a school, we are required to ensure a robust handwashing protocol is in place. Hand sanitiser is also available for use at appropriate times.

School Dinners

With the return to school please ensure that your child's dinner account is credited with money if they will be having school dinners from next week. Here's a link to the current menu and a reminder of the payment link to BCBC. School Dinner Information

Inset Day

Reminder - we have an inset day on Monday 12th April for staff training. Pupils will return to school on Tuesday 13th April following the Easter holidays.

Teacher Telephone Appointments

We are offering parents the opportunity to have a short telephone conversation with your child's class teacher in the coming weeks. Parents will be able to book an hours timeslot in which to receive the 10 minute phone call. The phone call will provide parents with feedback on your child's progress in school.

  • Parents in reception to year 2 have been emailed details of how to book an appointment. These will take place week beginning 22nd March. If you have not received an email please let us know.

  • Parents in years 3 to 6 have also been emailed with details of how to book an appointment. These will take place week beginning 12th April.

  • Nursery parents will also be contacted in the next few weeks with further information on feedback from the teacher.

Sign Language

We have an exciting whole school event coming up on the 18th March @ 2pm. It is the Biggest Ever Sign Language Webinar! More details will be shared with pupils on the day.

Red Nose Day

We are pleased to support Red Nose Day on Friday 19th March. Children may wear their own clothes on this day. We will NOT be accepting donations for the charity in school, if you would like to donate please do so via Comic Relief.

School Savings Club

We hope that our children have been continuing to save their pennies whilst we have been away from school. Our school savings scheme will start again after Easter holidays on a Wednesday. We will send a reminder closer to the date - start hunting out those paying in books!

Stranger Danger - Reminder to children

Please can parents remind children of the following:

  • Never go off on your own with a stranger, take things from them or get in a car with them.

  • If someone scares you, or makes you feel uncomfortable go somewhere safe, which could be your home, your school or a police station. Remember to tell someone what has happened straight away.

  • Never accept gifts or sweets from a stranger

  • Never accept a lift in a car from a stranger

  • Never go anywhere with a stranger

  • Never go off on your own without telling a parent or trusted adult

  • Never go up to a car to give directions - keep away so that no one can get hold of you and you can run away

  • Always tell a trusted adult if you have been approached by a stranger

  • Remember the Yell, Run, Tell rule - it's okay to run and scream if you find yourself in danger. Get away from the source of danger as fast as you can.

  • If you find yourself in danger always run towards shops or other busy places with lots of people

  • If you think that you are being followed, go into a shop and ask for help

  • Never play in dark or lonely places

  • Stay with your group of friends – never wander off on your own.

  • Never agree to do a job for someone you don’t know in return for money- they may be trying to trick you

  • Always use the safest route to walk to school avoiding isolated places and dangerous roads to cross

  • Make sure your parents know where you are going and when you will be back. If your plans change be sure to tell your parents.

P.E. Lessons

P.E. lessons this term will take place on the following days. Children attending school should wear their P.E. kit to school on the day of their lesson.

  • Nursery - Friday

  • Reception - Thursday

  • Year 1 - Monday

  • Year 2 - Tuesday

  • Year 3 - Wednesday

  • Year 4 - Tuesday

  • Year 5 - Friday

  • Year 6 - Thursday

COVID Reminder

If your child is off school due to a member of your household having a Covid test please ensure that you let us know when you report their absence.

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

• a high temperature

• a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot, for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours

• a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – this means they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

What to do if your child has symptoms. If your child has any of the main symptoms of coronavirus:

1.Get a test to check if they have coronavirus as soon as possible.

2.Stay at home and do not have visitors until you get the test result – only leave your home to have a test.

Anyone you live with, and anyone in your support bubble, must also stay at home until you get the result.

Brynteg Year 6 Transition Information

Brynteg School are inviting all year 6 pupils to a ‘Year 6 Virtual Welcome party’ on Thursday, March 18th at 5pm. More information below. This information has also been emailed to year 6 parents.

Inset Days

Inset days for the school year have been approved and these are:

  • Monday 12th April 2021

  • Monday 7th June 2021

  • Monday 19th July 2021

  • Tuesday 20th July 2021

Easter Holidays start 29th March

Stay Safe. Thank you for your ongoing support.

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