Week 14 - Friday 18th December 2020

Important information for parents regarding January arrangements

Yesterday we sent you an update from the Director of Education regarding arrangements for January 2021. This year education has had to adapt, evolve and change at such a rapid pace and short notice. This is the case again for our return to school in January.

As stated in the email from the director schools will be using Monday 4th January and Tuesday 5th January to assess levels of available staff, review risk assessments and ensure the school is a safe environment for learners. This means that, on these two days, no learners will be in school. It also means that direct online learning opportunities will not be provided by individual schools for their pupils on 4th and 5th January. On the 6th, 7th and 8th of January, the school will open for critical workers children (as defined in the letter sent by the Director of Education).

On Monday 4th January we will write out to all parents to determine which families will need school provision for the 6th, 7th and 8th of January.

Following the review of our risk assessment and staffing, we aim to bring as many year groups back to school as early as possible on the week beginning the 11th January.

The information provided to us from the Local Authority is subject to change, and we will continue to update over the coming weeks. Once again we thank you for your continued support during this difficult time.

Farewell to Mr Thompson

Over the last few weeks we have been saying goodbye to Mr Thompson. Mr Thompson joined the school 8 years ago, so for some pupils you have only known him for a short period of time, for our year 6 pupils he has been your headteacher since you started in the nursery.

So let’s take a minute to talk about Mr Thompson:

He is the headteacher that walks into your classroom, tells a joke and then walks back out again.

He is the headteacher that makes funny faces in the corridor windows outside your classroom and then runs away

He is the headteacher who shouts your name at you when you walk past him the corridor and then high five you

He is the headteacher who likes to play basketball on the yard at lunchtime and then needs a lie down in his office after.

He is the headteacher who once told someone on our school residential trip that Seagulls grew in fields. And they believed him.

He is the headteacher who chases you around the school playing hide and seek if you don’t want to stay in class.

He is the headteacher who introduced us to STEM and sent a watch into space.

He is the Headteacher who allowed the whole school to visit the Bridgend Show

He is the headteacher who brought you a 4D room with sound, smells and movement.

He is the headteacher who ensured that all children have access to a chrome book or iPad.

He is the headteacher who guarantees that everyone’s voice is heard, everyone needs are meet and everyone deserves a chance to learn.

He is the headteacher who has kept you safe during these covid times.

He is the headteacher who has made sure we are not just the best school in Bridgend, but one of the best schools in Wales.

Mr Thompson is leaving Oldcaslte ….. Not to retire ! Like someone asked me this week but to take all the great things he has done here and all the new things he has learnt here and share that with over 30 schools in Hampshire.

Imagine him running around chasing children in over 30 schools. He will definitely be ready to retire after that !!!

Mr Thompson will certainly be missed at Oldcastle.

One final message from Mr Thompson

I started my journey to Wales around the Eisteddfod in 2013, and the Welsh Grand Slam victory of the same year (the only English man to hold the trophy in 2013) with a love of Wales and leave with a greater understanding and love for a place and people that have nurtured me over nearly a decade. So after almost eight years at Oldcastle, I write my final contribution to the school newsletter. Over the last week, staff, pupils and the wider school community have reflected on my time at the school. It always surprises me what is remembered and talked about! From composting to solar, to STEM, to IT, to real wallpaper, to teletherapy... the school has transformed in the last 8 years and I leave proud of the accomplishments of the school and the staff who have turned my vision for education into an exceptional offer for the pupils we serve.

Over my time at the school, I have worked with some truly inspiring pupils. In my last assembly, I was reminded by present and former pupils of the impression that I had left on them but it is the pupils who it has been a privilege to serve who have left a deep and lasting imprint on me. I have many fond memories and stories to tell, these I will hold dear and take with me always.

Undoubtedly I am indebted to a staff team who have encouraged me, shown me warmth and generosity and have helped me grow as a person. Their counsel has been invaluable and I am grateful to have been afforded such warm friendship, professionalism and loyalty. I know that at the heart of each member of staff is their commitment to our pupils, their families and Oldcastle School. In passing the baton on, the school has an exceptional leader in Mrs Littlewood with a hugely talented staff to maintain the excellent features of our school.

It would be remiss not to thank you, the parents, who have and continue to place your trust in the school especially during 2020 when the world has been turned upside down. With all of the uncertainties we have faced you have ensured that the school has been supported, offered encouragement and been understanding when things have been uncertain. I am grateful for the support and trust you have placed in me and my team.

Over my time at the school, I have seen many variations of the PTA who have continued to support the school unequivocally with the projects that they have funded and developed along with the governing body who have ensured that the ambition of the school is realised.

I leave Oldcastle at a time of significant challenge but I wish you well for the Christmas period, for 2021 and beyond. This year may not be what we had wanted or hoped for and masks the pain of challenges we have all faced but I know that our strength as individuals and most importantly as a community will draw us through this period and that tomorrow will be a better day.

With very warm wishes. Jeremy Malessa-Thompson - Headteacher Oldcastle Primary School

Eco Schools Platinum Award

We were delighted to learn this week that we have retained our Platinum Eco Schools Award. The panel were particularly impressed with the installation of solar panels at the school and the improvements made to the school grounds. Well done to all our pupils and staff for committing to the achievement of the award.

Inset Days

Inset days for the school year have been approved and these are:

  • Monday 12th April 2021

  • Monday 7th June 2021

  • Monday 19th July 2021

  • Tuesday 20th July 2021

COVID Symptoms

Please remember if you or child presents any othe COVID symptoms you must self isolate and have a test.

  • High temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature);

  • New, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual);

  • Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

Keeping in contact

Please ensure you contact the school in the following ways when you need to inform us of COVID symptoms and / or test.

Telephone - 01656 815790 during school hours

And / or Email - ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk

Stay Safe. Thank you for your ongoing support.