Week 12 - Friday 4th December 2020

As we come towards the end of term, I write to ask you for one last mammoth effort to get us to this Christmas holidays as safely as we can.

I know the incredible sacrifices that many of us have made this year, the things we have forgone and the hardship endured. I also know how important the holidays will be for many families. Top of my Christmas list is that the pupils we serve and their families get to spend this time of year with the people they love.

So how do we do this? We need you to continue to follow the rules that we have in place. wash hands, keep 2 meters apart and wear a face mask. This is especially important in and around our school. We will continue to manage the in school measures that we have put in place over the last few weeks and months.

We also ask if your child is ill (high temperature, new continuous cough or loss of taste or smell) that you keep them at home. If anyone in your household displays these symptoms or goes for a COVID test that the whole household stays at home until you have the test result.

For giving a little more, for following the rules a little harder together we can make the most of this special time and the last holiday of what has been the most challenging of years.

Jeremy Malessa-Thompson - Headteacher


This year, Christmas will be celebrated but very differently. There are concerns about bringing things to and from school. We have asked that cards are not brought to school as we have no safe way to sort, store or exchange these.

Christmas is traditionally a time where gifts are exchanged. We are undoubtedly in more challenging times. As we do every year, we will leave this up to individual families to make their own decision. However, no parent, child or family should feel obliged to give Christmas gifts to their child’s class teacher. We are fortunate to have staff here at Oldcastle that enjoy their jobs and who are rewarded by working with your children.

There have been several suggestions this year as an alternative to gifts and cards - this includes donations to charities, acts of kindness or people giving their time (as and when we can).

Whatever you decide as individuals and families, the most important thing is ensuring that despite the challenges we collectively make Christmas 2020 memorable in a positive way.

We are lucky as a school to work in such a great school with a generous spirit.


Please can we remind parents of the Welsh Government guidelines regarding COVID 19 -

  • Children should not attend school if you or someone else in your household has symptoms or is having a test.

  • Once the test result is received as negative children may return to school. Please inform the school when you receive the test result.

  • If a positive result is received children should isolate for the 14 day period.

After School Club

After school club bookings for January are now closed and we are working through the booking forms. You will be notified shortly if you have applied for a place.

Good luck and welcome

Last week Mrs Brotherton started her maternity leave and we wish her all the best in the coming months. Miss Matthews has started in year 3BP working with Mrs Phillips at the end of the week. Welcome Miss Matthews.

Christmas Dinner - important information

Don't forget if you have booked a Christmas dinner for your child these will take place on the following dates. Please ensure you have paid the money into your child's dinner money account at least 24 hours beforehand.

Thursday 10th December - Nursery, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5

Friday 11th December - Reception, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6

As we will be limited to space during the serving of Christmas dinner we will require all children to bring sandwiches on the day that their year group is NOT having Christmas dinner.

Children may wear Christmas jumpers on the Christmas Dinner days.

Oldcastle PTA

The PTA are arranging a lovely event for children on Monday. Father Christmas will be visiting school as well as some very special visitors. Each class will be able to see Father Christmas from a distance throughout the day and will be sent home with a selection pack. We are very grateful to the PTA for arranging this event for our children and staff. We look forward to sharing photos of the day with you following the event. We hope you can keep the event a surprise from children so they can be amazed on Monday!

PTA Committee

Angela Minton - Olly Year 3

Kim Lewis - Lewis Year 4, Aaron Year 2, Dewi Nursery

Lowri McCausland - Eli Year 4, Ozias Year 2, Aoife Year 1

Julia Shaw - Reuben Year 1

School Savings Club

Another busy week in school savings club with 98 savers from all year groups. We really are so proud of our pupils who take part in the savings club to save their money. We always love to hear what the children are saving for! Please note the last school savings club prior to Christmas will be held next Wednesday 9th December. The club will resume in January.

Click here Bridgend School Savers Website

Admissions to Reception Class

The local authority applications to reception classes opened to parents from Monday 23rd November. All parents of children in our current nursery class will need to apply for a place in the reception class for September 2021. Applications should be made via Bridgend Council website - the closing date for applications is 4pm on 12th February 2021. Please click the link below to access the application process.

Reception Class Application Process

School App

Don't forget we use The School App for lots of our communication to parents. Parents will need to download the app in the Play or App stores. Once downloaded type in Oldcastle Primary School and you will be able to view our school. If you have any problems accessing the school app please let us know. Emails are another method of communication we regularly use so please ensure we have the most up to date email address for you. We regularly send emails and app messages so if you are not receiving them please get in touch.

Inset Days

Inset days for the school year have been approved and these are:

  • Monday 12th April 2021

  • Monday 7th June 2021

  • Monday 19th July 2021

  • Tuesday 20th July 2021

Young Minds Charity

The Young Minds website has some really useful information to support parents and children throughout the COVID pandemic.

Young Minds

COVID Symptoms

Please remember if you or child presents any othe COVID symptoms you must self isolate and have a test.

  • High temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature);

  • New, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual);

  • Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

Please can we also remind parents of the Welsh Government guidelines regarding COVID 19 -

  • If you or any other member of your household has COVID symptoms you must stay at home. If you have symptoms you should get a test.

  • Children should not attend school if you or someone else in your household has symptoms or is having a test.

  • Once the test result is received as negative children may return to school. Please inform the school when you receive the test result.

  • If a positive result is received children should isolate for the 14 day period.

Keeping in contact

Please ensure you contact the school in the following ways when you need to inform us of COVID symptoms and / or test.

Telephone - 01656 815790 during school hours

And / or Email - ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you on Monday.