Oldcastle Weekly Newsletter

Week 18 - Friday 28th January 2022


In our virtual assembly today, we had an update from each class on their token collection - so many tokens have been collected this week - well done all! As you can see from the token collection box in the photo below we are nearly full and there are 3 weeks left before the end of term!! This week, junior leaders and pupil voice met to have a discussion about the types of rewards each house could have at the end of this term. We can't wait to hear about them and we imagine Miss Lincoln is looking forward to counting all those tokens with the junior leaders!!

During the assembly Miss Hodgson and the year 2 teachers congratulated the year 2 children on being so well behaved on their trip to Bryngarw Park this week. It sounds like the children and staff really enjoyed going on a visit again!

We also congratulated some off our staff in assembly for completing the 3 day First Aid at Work course this week. Well done Mrs Whiteley, Mrs Loughran, Mrs Evans and Mrs Peters.

We were delighted to learn recently that Mrs Whiteley, the school's Administration Manager, has recently gained a qualification as an Associate of the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development. Well done Mrs Whiteley!!

Look how many tokens are in the collection box in main reception! It is certainly looking close between all the house colours!!

Radio Station

We held a very exciting meeting today with the provider of our new radio station! Junior Leaders and Pupil Voice were invited along to help us choose a name for our radio station - the children loved hearing a range of jingles that could be played on the radio station and learning how easy it will be to operate the radio! We had lots of exciting name suggestions from the children and we look forward to sharing the name with you shortly!

Our new radio station studio will be built in February half term and we hope to install the equipment to operate the radio station shortly after half term.

The photo below shows just some of our junior leaders and pupil voice children listening intently to learn about the radio station!

School Values

Our school values for this month have been 'Determination and Perseverance' and we have loved hearing how the children have taken on board the school values. In assembly, Miss Hodgson launched the school values for February, the values will be

  • Compassion and Hope

Children's Rights

Oldcastle Primary School are committed to the UNCRC Children's Rights. Children and young people have 42 rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). These 42 rights give children and young people what they need to grow up happily, healthily and safely. A full list of all the Children's Rights can be viewed here.

Each week in school children will be focusing on a 'Right of the Week' to highlight the various rights children have. Our focus next week will be on the following right :

Article 13: You have the right to find out and share information and say what you think.

  • 1. The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds

  • 2. The exercise of this right may be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary: (a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others; or (b) For the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals

The Children's Commissioner for Wales website provides further information for parents.

COVID - changes to self isolation

Please take time to refresh yourself with the current COVID Rules in place in Wales

  • If you or your child get a positive lateral flow test result, most people will not need to take a PCR test to confirm the result. You must self-isolate immediately if you get a positive rapid lateral flow test result.

  • Self-isolate for 5 days if you test positive for COVID-19. You should take a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) on day 5 and day 6. If either LFT is positive, you should remain in isolation until 2 negative LFTs are received 24 hours apart..

If your child does have a PCR or a positive lateral flow test please let us know via our ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk email address or by telephoning 01656 815790.

When we are notified of a positive case in school we are required to send an 'Inform' letter to those in the same class as the case. If we have more than 2 cases in a class we are required to send a 'Warn and Inform' letter to parents - this letter provides further advice on LFT testing. If a warn and inform letter is sent we are not required to re-send the letter for a seven day period even if there are additional cases.

We are very grateful to parents for your support during the Covid pandemic.

Fundraising for the children and families of Afghanistan

A couple of weeks ago we launched a fundraising initiative that our Pupil Voice Champions have devised. The children decided that they would like to raise money for those affected by the troubles in Afghanistan and thought the best way to support children and families affected would be to complete a sponsored walk. We will walk the number of miles from Afghanistan to the UK as a school collectively.

Each class will complete a walk around our school yards to accumulate the total number of miles required which is an astounding 3,692 miles! We like a challenge in Oldcastle and it appears that the children are also committed to the pledge to help families and children affected by the situation in Afghanistan.

We are pleased to report that children have walked over 470 miles so far!!

Most of these miles have been walked by our junior children so now we need to get our foundation phase children walking more too!

We sense a little competition between teachers and classes to see who can walk the most miles!!

Please help us support this appeal by sponsoring your child to complete a walk in school with their classmates over the coming weeks. Friends and relatives may also sponsor your child - please can we ask that all sponsorship forms and money are returned to school by 17th March 2022. We look forward to updating you on our children’s progress as they collectively walk over 3692 miles. Sponsorship forms will be sent home with children or please download one from our website. Afghanistan Appeal Information

Thank you for your support.


Every Friday we continue with our enrichment sessions. Below are some photos from the sessions:

2R celebrated National Lego Day with some fantastic creations!

Year 1 are continuing to take part in martial arts and we think Elijah looks fab in his gloves!

Year 2 made some lovely colourful hedgehogs

Year 3 played some team games in their enrichment sessions and learnt how team work can help solve problems!

School Photos

Year 1 had great fun this week using the maths building blocks to create some fantastic shapes as part of their lesson on 'pets'.

1ML have been planning new homes for Percy the Park Keeper’s Woodland Friends. They imagined that they were the characters in their writing.

In maths work, year 1 have been learning about half and full turns - so thought it would be fun to decorate their pencils with a windmill!

Year 2 really enjoyed their trip to Bryngarw Park - how lucky are we to have such a fantastic facility on our doorstep!

Year 6 used stop motion video to show Pangaea and the Continental shift. Very impressive year 6!

School Announcements

School Swimming

Children in years 6 will start their swimming lessons next week

  • Year 6 - 31st January through to 4th February 2022 – Class 6E and Class 6L

Children will receive an intensive course (Monday to Friday) at Ynysawdre Swimming Pool for a period of one hour a day, over a period of a week. At each session there will be a level 2 swimming instructor present along with the class teacher and children will be assessed against the criteria of the National Curriculum Swimming and Water Safety Assessment.

  • All children are required to bring swimwear, a towel and goggles for the week their lessons are scheduled. Long hair should be tied back or a swimming cap worn, no jewellery should be worn.

  • Lunch provision will be as normal, so if your child normally has a school meal then they can still order one in the usual way.

  • This year there will be no cost for the lessons or the bus.

  • Parents will not be allowed to spectate during these sessions.

Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing for their lessons on the correct day.

Government guidelines will be followed and a full risk assessment will be in place.

Parents Evenings

Parents in reception to year6 have been emailed details of how to book a parent evening appointment with your child's class teacher. Please follow the link in the email to book the appointment. This term we are offering in person appointments and phone call appointments. Appointments are available on a first come first served basis. If you have not received an email please contact the school office.

Nursery parents appointments will be held in the summer term.

Water Bottles

Please could children only bring water in their water bottles and not squash.

Class Newsletter

Class newsletters were emailed to parents earlier this week. These newsletters provide parents with an update on what your child will be learning in class over the Spring Term. We hope you find the newsletters helpful and provide you with an insight of what your child is learning. The newsletters are available to view on the 'Class Pages' section of our website.

Sporting Success

We were delighted and proud to learn of more sporting success by the Hales sisters! Last weekend, Eliza from year 5 won the Welsh Junior National Squash Championships and Heidi from year 3 achieved a respectable 3rd place too! Fantastic achievement well done girls from everyone at Oldcastle.

Published Poetry

We were delighted to receive a copy of a book entitled 'Land of Poets' this week. The book is a collection of poems and features one of our very own pupils poem - Adam from year 6! There is also a poem written by Adam's brother who is a past pupil of Oldcastle! Well done both.

Big Schools Birdwatch 2022

The RSPB Big Schools' Birdwatch takes place this weekend. More information via this link Big Schools' Birdwatch.

Collecting Children

If your child is to be collected by another parent in the class please ensure that you contact the school office to let us know.

School Savings Club

School savings club will continue next Wednesday. We look forward to seeing our young savers.

Applications to Reception Class - September 2022

Nursery parents are reminded that they need to apply for a place for their child to attend the Reception class from September 2022. Parents must apply for your child to attend a reception class and the deadline for this application process is Friday 11th February at 4pm.

Further information can be found on the Bridgend Council website. https://www.bridgend.gov.uk/residents/schools-and-education/school-admissions/apply-for-admission-to-school/

Applications to Nursery - September 2022

Applications for full time nursery in September 2022 are now open. Applications can be made via this link https://www.bridgend.gov.uk/residents/schools-and-education/school-admissions/apply-for-admission-to-school/


In the event that you have a concern regarding a child please follow this procedure:

  • During school hours please contact Mrs Ceri Littlewood, safeguarding lead at Oldcastle Primary School.

  • Out of school hours please contact the out of hours Emergency Duty Team Tel No 01443849944

School Values and Visions

At Oldcastle, we are proud of each other and ourselves. We nurture all of our community so that we grow as confident, responsible and happy people. Oldcastle school is more than just learning.

  • We try hard for each other

  • We act responsibly

  • We treat people how we’d like to be treated

  • We work as a team

  • We trust and respect each other

  • We listen and learn together

  • We share knowledge and experience

Together we make the difference

Together we shape innovative experiences

More information on our values and visions can be found on our website. Visions and Values