School Locator 

If you are new to the OKCPS district or have recently moved, the first step to have your child attending school will be to locate your assigned neighborhood school. 

Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) is a multi-cultural district serving approximately 32,000 students. Our students are educated throughout 33 neighborhood elementary schools, 13 middle schools, 9 high schools, 2 alternative schools and 9 charter schools located within 135.5 square miles in the center of Oklahoma. 

A student’s assigned neighborhood school is where a  student  will attend based on their family's home address.  

To find out which is your assigned school, use our School Locator Tool

School feeder patterns designate the schools that students follow as they graduate from one level to the next.

To find out  the feeder patterns for our  elementary, middle, and  high schools visit the  School Feeder Pattern page