What is the curriculum like?
The e3 Online Learning curriculum is specifically designed to be online and to fit students' learning needs in grades 1 through 12. The e3 Online Learning program is a fully accredited program guided by the Oklahoma State Department of Education framework.
Middle and High School Program (5th - 12th Grade) e3 Online Learning uses the Imagine-Edgenuity student portal which is being utilized by more than 20,000 schools nationwide, including 20 of the 25 largest school districts in the country, and has served over 4 million students.
1st - 4th Grade Program: The Buzz student portal is custom tailored for our 1st - 4th grade students. Florida Virtual School has served over 240k students nationally.
Students in all grades will work with an e3 Online Learning certified teacher to complete coursework. The administrator from the student’s site, as well as the District’s Online Coordinator, will monitor the curriculum and instruction throughout the year. As with traditional-placement students, a school counselor will be available to discuss needed credits to ensure high school graduation requirements are met.
Students attending e3 Online Learning will be required to participate in district and state mandated testing in accordance with Oklahoma City Public Schools policies and Oklahoma State Department of Education guidelines. Any student enrolled in e3 is required to participate in OKCPS academic content assessments, District benchmark assessments, iStation, WIDA, other district testing and OSTP State Testing.
High School Courses | 9th - 12 th grade
e3 Online Learning is committed to providing all high school students with the opportunity to graduate ready to fulfill their unique purpose within a healthy, vibrant community. Our schools offer high-quality and expansive academic programs that require planning and making decisions based on personal strengths, goals, and interests. The collaboration between students and their families through the support of school personnel provides the best attainment of each student’s personal goals. Being well informed about choices and post-secondary opportunities is an indispensable first step which is supported by the use of the academic planning guide link below.
Middle School Courses | 6th - 9th grade
Middle School students are experiencing an important transitional time in their lives. Students are encouraged to explore a variety of courses, in addition to the required courses, to help narrow down interests for their high school career and post-secondary goals. The collaboration between students and their families through the support of school personnel provides the best attainment of each student’s personal goals. Being well informed about choices and post-secondary opportunities is an indispensable first step which is supported by the use of the academic planning guide link below.
Elementary School | Kindergarten - 5th grade
Elementary children learn important skills and knowledge through direct instruction from their teachers, opportunities for problem solving, and independent mastery. Instructional technology is used to engage students in critical thinking, research using approved resources, and communication of their ideas.
Curriculum Frameworks 1st - 5th Grade
Children develop concepts and knowledge in:
Language Arts
e3 elementary students are provided rich experiences in literature and composition to expand language experiences. They also develop the oral and written language skills to become lifelong learners, with instruction that includes spelling, word study, grammar and usage.
e3 Online learning recognizes that every student, 1st - 5th grade should be able to solve challenging mathematical problems and tasks successfully. All students have opportunities during and outside the school day to be engaged with meaningful mathematical experiences. As children learn mathematics they develop concepts, skills and practices they will use in science, technology, business and a wide range of career areas.
1st - 5th grade e3 students learn science by building upon science skills from each prior grade. Building upon science skills from Kindergarten, first-graders continue to expand their understanding of their world around them. In second grade, children begin to ask bigger and deeper questions as they broaden their knowledge of the world. In third grade, children begin to observe, experiment, and share what they have learned about the natural and physical world. In fourth grade, students discover answers to increasingly difficult science based questions. In fifth grade, students begin investigating science ideas that help them figure out answers to scientific unanswered scientific questions.
Social Studies
Students continue to build and enhance their understandings of the social studies strands: history, geography, civics, and economics. Students develop an appreciation of American symbols and holidays. Concepts of cultural and physical geography are introduced, comparing the student's community to other places and peoples. Civics provides students with a continued study of the traits and practices of good citizenship. In addition, the basic economic concepts are furthered explored in order to understand needs, wants, and how citizens help their community's economy grow.
Art and Music
e3 teachers support ambitious teaching and learning for all students in dance, drama/theatre, music, and visual art classrooms. Students are offered general music and visual art each week. Elementary students create 2-D and 3-D art, using vast array of media.
Parents/ Guardians with children who are four (4) on or before September 1 may register for the Pre-Kindergarten Program. Tuition is free for the 4-year-old program and there is no waiting list. The manner in which Pre-K it is taught is very important. At this young age, many e3 teachers find the most effective learning tool is ‘play’. Hand manipulatives, songs, and games help children in this age group better connect with the educational goals. Learn More at the OKCPS Early Childhood Education website
Curriculum Frameworks: Pre-Kindergarten
Identifying numbers 1 to 10.
Counting from 1 to 10.
Corresponding objects one-to-one.
Sorting objects by various attributes (colors, shapes, sizes, etc.).
Identifying and creating patterns (AB, AABB, ABAB, etc.).
Understanding sizes (small, medium, large, etc.).
Specifying shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square, etc.).
Matching various items (symbols, patterns, shapes).
Determining things that are the same or different.
Understanding the terms ‘more,’ ‘less’ or ‘same’.
Conceptualizing time (night and day).
Exploring money through songs, games and free play or pretend play.
Familiarity with the alphabet between letter names and the sounds they make.
Recognizing their name and learning to spell and write their name.
Learning to hold a pencil, crayon or marker correctly.
Retell a story in their own words.
Draw a picture and explain the story or experience.
Answer questions about a story they were told.
Repeat and memorize nursery rhymes and finger plays.
Understanding the format of reading from left to right and holding a book right-side-up.
Building their vocabulary by listening and repeating new words.
Practicing visual discrimination by looking at a picture and understanding what it portrays.
Sequencing practice about what comes first, next and last.
Continue practicing and developing fine motor skills by playing with clay, using scissors, writing with pencils and crayons and building with legos, etc.
Exploration with scientific tools like magnets, microscopes, magnifying glasses and prisms.
Learn to observe nature quietly on nature walks or gardening experiences.
Watch insects and see how they behave.
Watch a plant grow, from planting the seed to watering and making a daily note or picture of how it changes.
Daily look outside and identify the weather, season and daily changes throughout the year.
Learn to measure and mix ingredients for a special snack time.
Learn about basic colors and explore mixing colors and mark how they change by drawing pictures.
Explore everything using all five senses.
Pick an animal to investigate and explore. Study how they live, where they sleep, what kind of food they eat, and even how they groom themselves as well as relationships with others of their kind.
Creative arts
Explore various means of art like drawing, painting, sculpting, weaving, collage, etc.
Use and explore a variety of materials (crayons, watercolors, textured paint, pencils, markers, clay, chalk or charcoals).
Try mixing paint colors.
Learn traditional songs and create hand motions or dance movements to accompany them.
Explore and use musical instruments like rhythm sticks, xylophones, shakers.
Find other materials to practice rhythm and having a visual way to see it through scarves or bean bags.
Help the children create a play with a simple storyline or recreate a familiar story.
Dramatize Old MacDonald’s Farm and make a barnyard by the children imitating animals.
Social skills
Start critical thinking and problem-solving in a social setting.
Manage small groups and have the children work together on a simple project where each child has a part to accomplish and put together.
Practice manners and say ‘please,’ ‘thank you,’ ‘excuse me’ and basic table manners.
Learning to verbally express their needs.
Be independent and clean up his or her snack spot, using tissues, putting away napping items, etc.
Be able to express their personal information like full name, age, school, and where they live by city state and country.
Exploring what kinds of people work in their town and what kinds of jobs they have.
Identify types of transportation