Safety and Anti-Bullying

Nearly one in five students report being bullied at school. Bullying can take many forms, from physical altercations to mean rumors to online cruelty, but they share one common theme: bullying hurts.

e3 is committed to safety and bullying prevention

e3 is committed to safety and bullying prevention—and we can help provide a safe, supportive alternative for your family. According to, a website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, nearly 50% of students in grades 4 through 12 experienced bullyings within a given month, and more than 70% of students admit to having seen bullying occur in their school.

In a national survey, 35 percent of parents / guardians said they enrolled their child in online learning school because of safety and/or mental health concerns stemming from a previous school.

We know that bullying can impact a student's performance in the classroom. e3 teachers are specially trained in online instruction methods, including understanding and identifying cyberbullying. E3 Online Learning is the safe space your family deserves.

The e3 anti-bullying experience includes

A zero-tolerance policy for bullying for a safe space your family deserves.

Helping students understand what bullying is and what it looks like online

Trained online teachers who recognize the signs of bullying behavior

Engaging families in educational and awareness training and reporting