Assignment 2 - Movie Summary

Movie summary:

  • The title of the movie is: "Last hope"
  • The movie is about someone who was in a natural disaster. He thought he was the only survivor left or at least everyone else evacuated the area in time. But while he searches the area he finds a house that seems to be standing while all the others have turned into rubble. He decides to go inside and finds somebody. They go around trying to find a way out of the wrecked area and find some other companions on the way and get in some problematic situations...
  • Characters:
  1. (Main character): Sander Understone (Me)
  2. (Person in the house[2nd Main character]): Mike Raines (Tobey Maguire)
  3. (Companion 1): Peter Geffen (Seth MacFarlane)
  4. (Companion 2): Than Oscar (Soulja Boy)
  5. (Person in the house's Dog): Dylan