The First Day

During the week of August 29th, we will reach out with a Google Form to confirm your child's arrival and dismissal information. 

The First Day of School

2024/2025 OCDSB School Year Calendar

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.                

If you are dropping your child off at school, please use the gate facing Goldeneye Way. Note that the loop beside the gate is only for Canyon Walk Daycare. Please do not drive or park in the Canyon Walk loop. School drop-off is between 8:45 am and 9:00 am. 

Your child's first day of school can be an emotional one for everyone! We understand and are here to support your family. Our recommendation is to quickly and confidently say goodbye on the first day of school (and every other day too). This lets your child know that you believe them to be safe and in good hands (trust us - they are!). The longer you stay around after drop-off, the more difficult can be for your child. Goodbyes get easier as children learn what school is all about and how much fun they have with friends and educators!

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