March-April Pictures

Week of April 6-9

Here are some pictures from our week where we were looking at adding and subtracting with word problems.

Ask your child what they've been working on =)

Week of March 28-April 1

Here are some pictures from our week where we were finished looking at Algebra and finding missing numbers in equations. We tried to solve a mystery puzzle by using clues to find the missing letters.

Ask your child what they've been working on =)

Week of March 22-26

Here are some pictures from our week where we were looking to look at Algebra and coding with Ozobots with True/False questions. We continued to look at finding missing numbers in equations.

Ask your child what they've been working on =)

Week of March 15-19

Here are some pictures from our week where we were looking at Algebra & Ozobots!

Ask your child what they've been working on =)

Week of March 8-12

Here are some pictures from our week where we were looking at fractions and Algebra!

Ask your child what they've been working on =)

Week of March 1-5

Here are some pictures from our week where we were looking at fractions!

Ask your child what they've been working on =)