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April 19th-23rd

Information on how to get into FLIPGRID :

March 29th - April 9th

Reading and writing: We learned new spring words and used them to write sentences. Next, we will write little books using these words!

Social studies: We worked on our mapping skills. We learned that maps typically have a legend, have colours and have a "rose des vents". We learned about the North, South, East and West. We then drew a map of our school yard. We will begin to explore our community maps a bit more and eventually draw them.

Indigenous cultures: We learned about the importance of maple syrup in Indigenous cultures when watching this video. This got us talking about gratefulness and we learned how to say "thank you" in all of the languages use in our classroom. Later on in the week, we watched Rhonda Doxator do some traditional hoop dancing. We then got to meet her online and she answered our questions about hoop dancing and about her culture.

This past week was quite busy because we also had our monthly assembly. Ask your child if they showed up in the kindness slideshow this month!

To continue learning at home, your child can:

  • write sentences using the list of words above;

  • listen to a book in the read aloud section and draw the continuation of the story (what they think would happen);

  • write and illustrate a mini book about kindness (How to be kind);

  • read the at-home reader;

  • draw a map of their favourite spot to be at home.

March 22nd -26th

Reading and writing: We read the book Une patate a velo . We had some good laughs. Watch it with your child, you will see why! After that, we wrote our own silly sentences in a book. Next week, we will trade books and draw what others have written. This works on our use of conventions in writing, on our imagination and our understanding of written texts.

Kindness and friendships: We talked "spreading the word". It is something we are noticing a bit more of in the classroom. Ask your child what that expression means. Ask them how they feel when the "word is being spread" about themselves and how they are making others feel when they "spread the word" about others.

Self awareness: We talked about being "Little Super heros", which is equivalent to being "World Changers". We wrote to Mr Trudeau to ask him to keep his promise regarding water in Indigenous communities. It is so great to see how we students of all ages can help create changes.

Social studies: We looked at maps and explored the coordinates. We walked around the school yard using a compass. Next week, we will begin mapping our school yard.

Arts , drama and oral communication: We have finished up crafting our retelling scenes and many have explained their stories to Madame. I love hearing the expression in their voices! We have also continued filming ourselves presenting our timelines. I hope to have the videos available to you soon.

We enjoyed a visit from our Indigenous Itinerant Teacher, Kareena Butler. She helped us continue in our thinking and learning about the water crisis in Indigenous communities. For more information, see

We are continuing to enjoy a daily activity of "March Madness", which our whole school is doing. It has been a great way to enjoy every day in March.

If your child is absent, feel free to do the activities mentioned above and those on the weekly schedule. Here are some other things you can do at home, to help your child continue in their learning:

  • have your child write, cut up and put back together the words on this page;

  • have your child write the next part of their at-home reader in a little book;

  • listen to the books in the "read alouds" section of this site;

  • look at different types of maps with your child. See what is in the North, South East and West;

  • have your child explain to 3 different people outside of your household what is happening to water in Indigenous communities. Have them suggest what can be done to help.

March 15th -19th

Reading and writing: We began working on the sound . With that sound, we worked on some origami and made "un chat". . We read and wrote sentences with the CH sound in them.

Kindness and friendships: We talked about using our WITS. This is a great conversation to continue at home!

Arts and drama: We are working on retelling a story that we have read. Students picked a French book and created the scene and the characters of the book using crafting. Next week, we will use our words to retell the story.

We are enjoying the mud and the puddles outdoors. Please remember to send in extra socks and/ or a change of clothes. Also, sending your child with splash pants is a great idea! They are a nice, light way to keep your child's pants dry. Merci!

We are continuing to enjoy a daily activity of "March Madness", which our whole school is doing. It has been a great way to enjoy every day in March.

World water Day is Monday, March 22nd. To begin in our learning about it, we explored what water means to us and we looked at the water cycle. We learned the importance of the water cycle in the forest and why it is important to keep our fresh water non-polluted.

If your child is absent, feel free to do the activities mentioned above. Here are some other things you can do at home, to help your child continue in their learning:

  • have your child write in a journal, using the words from the "ch, ch, ch" sounds.

  • have your child write words from their at-home reader on some grids, like a bingo card. Have them make more than one card and you can play "word bingo" with them.

  • visit Ottawa Public Library and read the French books in the "Tumblebooks" section.

  • have your child read a book and retell it using the words "in the beginning", "then", "at the end".

  • have your child draw or craft the water cycle and explain it to you (orally or in writing).

March 8th - 12th

Writing, speaking and social studies: We made our timelines this week. How to make a timeline It was great to see some of the students important moments! We followed up with an oral presentation, where students explained their timelines. We hope to listen to some of the presentations next week, through a QR code.

Reading and writing: We continued to work on the sound EN, AN, AM, EM. We wrote a book called DANS and we will read it to our table partner next week.

Kindness and friendships: We read a book about feeling invisible and about being kind. We talked about the little actions we can do to be kinder every day.

Arts, drama, dance and music: We explored the artist "Piet Mondrian" and created some hearts like his art. We made puppets to represent the story "The 3 baby pigs and the lifeguard wolf". We danced a lot with "Luv 2 Groove" and we listened to a variety of singers on the "Periodic Table of Canadian Black History" and drew what came to mind when we listened to them.

We enjoyed the snow outdoors, maybe it is the last week of nice snow? We also enjoyed another yoga session with Jocelynn's mom. Merci!

We also enjoyed a daily activity of "March Madness", which our whole school is doing. It has been a great way to enjoy every day in March.

If your child is absent, feel free to do the activities mentioned above. Here are some other things you can do at home, to help your child continue in their learning:

  • have your child write in a journal, using the words from the "en. em, am, an" sounds.

  • when reading the at-home reader, have them continue the story, in writing. Or, have them write and draw their favourite part of the book, explaining why.

  • visit Ottawa Public Library and read the French books in the "Tumblebooks" section.

  • have your child read a book and retell it by creating puppets for the characters.

  • Research a person in the Periodic Table of Canadian Black History and recreate their timeline.

  • Practice some yoga with Cosmic kids

February 1st-5th

Writing: After making play doh together, we practiced some procedural writing. We created a writing continuum together. where is your writing today? On a weekly basis, we'll use this to see where we are at in our writing. I look forward to seeing all the movement that will happen on it!

We discussed Martin Luther King jr. and his speech "I have a dream". He talks about "letting freedom ring" across different mountain tops. A question was asked about our Highlands Hill and whether we are letting "freedom ring" there. What a great question! We hope to answer it at the end of the month.

Structures: We talked about animal shelters, looked at some pictures and tried to find some in the forest.

We learned who the artist Andy Warhol was and we recreated some of his art.

We got used to being back in the school!

January 25th - 28th

Schedule of the week

Choix this week *Please note: Duolingo has been removed from the "choix", as it is not OCDSB approved.

Checklist for the week


What is a structure?

Sound revision: a, e, i, o, u, ch, e accent aigu and e accent grave

Recognizing different emotions


Mon bonhomme de neige en juillet Write your sentence, draw, add in with the other pages.

sound of the week

Pick one of these structures les structures to recreate


What you tell yourself is so important! Trace your hand and write 5 mots sympas . Use them as things you tell yourself when doing your core breathing.

Read Comme ca va vite, add to it with different winter activities and sing along

Review the different materials we can use to make structures


How to make a smoothie: Make one at home and send me a video of you explaining it in French!

step 1 step2 step 3 step 4 step 5

January 18th - 21st

Schedule of the week

Choix for this week

Checklist for the week (updated on a daily basis)


Look at this list of words ch, ch, ch . Write six of the words and draw the picture of what it is. Extra: write a sentence with the words. Take a picture and share it in your drive wih Madame.

Read the Marche a suivre . Write the last sentence based on how you think it should end. Take a picture and share it in your drive wih Madame.

See music task. Take a video and share it in your drive wih Madame.


Mon bonhomme de neige en mai Write your sentence, draw the picture and colour. Place it with the other pages of your book.

Listen to or read Les structures to review our class' definition

Listen to Sous/sur/dans



January 11th - 15th

Schedule for the week



Writing of 4 words or 2 sentences with the sound é in it. Drawing and colouring.


You can print this for your child or they can do it online. le son de la semaine

Write and draw what you like to do in March with your snowman Sentences shared

Writing words with the é in them and cutting them into syllables.


Write and draw what you like to do in April with your snowman Sentences shared



January 4th - 8th


See slideshow: Le message du jour . This one has audio and English translations audio message du jour

Write a "Message du jour" to Madame Smith. Put it in your Google Drive for her to read it.

Read this book or this book . Imagine what the next page (or pages) of the book will be. Write it (them), draw it (them) and take a picture of it (them) to put in your drive.

If you haven't had a chance to ask your child about their math work that they brought home before the holidays, please spend some time going through the ziplock bag so they can share their work with you. There might be some activities that your child can finish and/or there are a few games that can be played together.

There are videos, read alouds, on-line games, and extra math practice activities on the Google Site that your child can explore.

For some movement, go on this link , this link or this link and pick a few activities to do. Or, go outside and play in the snow!

Tuesday - Friday

Schedule of the week

Tuesday learning:

Tableau de choix

Read aloud

L'annee magique des bonshommes de neige

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans une annee? (what is in a year?)

Les mois

Les saisons


We are beginning to write our own book about a year with snowmen. Draw your cover page of the book. Remember to write your name, as you are the author! Draw and colour in the pictures. Tomorrow will be page 2!

The title is: Une annee avec bonhomme de neige

Qu'est-ce qu'on porte l'hiver?

Winter clothing

Body parts

Les voyelles



Add a consonant to the vowel and sing the song with the consonant. Some examples:

ma, me, mi, mo, mu

ta, te, ti, to, tu

sa, se, si, so, su

za, ze, zi, zo, zu

Wednesday learning:

Write and draw what you like to do in January with your snowman Jamboard ideas

Qu'est-ce que des syllabes? Les syllabes

Thursday learning:

Write and draw what you like to do in February with your snowman Jamboard ideas

Write a message describing your favourite stuffie example

Practice "percussion" with your body parts, using this song

December 7th - 11th

This week, we finished our last vowel sound : UUU. We’ve now made our way through the vowels. After the holidays, we will work on the è, é and ê sounds. Your child is becoming a skills reader in French; it is so exciting!!! We talked a lot about winter this week and “les bonshommes de neige”. We played a game in gym that talked about melting and freezing, which also had to do with the weather. We created some beautiful seasonal art with paint and trees and I got to see what your child’s favourite season is as well as what colours represent it. We talked about “Mere Terre” and what we could do to protect her. All this, and so much more, was learned in Grade 1 this week!

November 30th - December 4th

This week, we worked on the sound OOO. We learned that the letters EAU make the sound O, as well as the letters AU. We talked about two words with the O sound: OISEAU and CERVEAU. You'll see the pictures of our CERVEAUX in the pictures page. The art with the OISEAUX will be postd next wek. We talked about our body parts in comparaison to a tree's body parts. Next week, we will learn about the functions of the trees parts. We've lerned a lot about a major part of our own body: our brain (le cerveau). We're learning what the different parts of the brain do. A student asked why we were learning about the brain parts. The more we understand our brain, the more we understand ourselves and how we can learn! Speaking of getting to know ourselves, we finished our t-shirt work. This was a big study about ourselves! You can look forward to having it come home in the ziplock bag next week. We are continuing to learn about winter clothes, winter activities and other winter vocabulary. Let's hope that the weather cooperates with us so that we can continue to learn about winter! All this, and so much more, was learned at school this week.

AT-HOME PRACTICE (please complete by Sunday, December 13th )

  • Continue practicing the Lalilo challenges

  • Here are 3 books. Read book 1 book 2 and/or book 3 this week.

November 22nd - 27th

This week, we were very kind in Grade 1. We read a book about a grand-mother moving to a retirement home. We learned that during COVID-19, many retirement homes can’t accept visitors so people are sad and lonely. We made cards to be delivered to a retirement home. When talking about those people, we learned that they were probably in their blue zone and we were helping them get in their green zone. We also learned about red and yellow zones. All those zones are called “Les zones de regulation”, ask your child about them! We continued working with our “iii” sound, next week, we will begin “ooo”. We talked about leaves on trees and why they fall off in the wintertime. Ask your child what the leaves aren’t getting in the wintertime. All that, and so much more was learned this week at school!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Sunday, December 6th)

  • Do 20 minutes (or more) work on Lalilo.

  • Here are 3 books. Read 1, 2 or 3 this week! book book book. No need to take a video, unless you want to.

November 15th - 20th

This week, we read a few books about kindness and acceptance. It was bullying awareness and prevention week so this was a good time to have these discussions. We talked about clothing and had a great discussion about how it does not need to be gender-specific. We started this discussion with this book It is so nice to be working with such Open, Curious and Kind students! We continued to talk about ourselves through our t-shirt activity that will be coming home at the end of the month. We began working on the III sound, with Mimi la souris. Your child made another “Souris”, you’ll have to ask them what their name is. If your child is talking about having mice in the classroom, rest assured that these are the ones they are talking about! We read a few pages of the book Your fantastic, elastic brain and talked about the 3 parts of the brain: Hippocampe, Amygdale et Cortexe Prefrontale. In the next month, we will talk about our emotions and how they affect those parts of the brain and what that does in our learning. With Dazzle this week, we learned about the similarities between humans and trees, particularly about the veins. This will help us understand how plants and humans grow. Through the reading of a book, “Parfois je suis un renard” we learned about the respect that Indigenous peoples have for animals and what we can do to show respect to them. We learned that Indigenous people are part of a clan that is represented by an animal and it determines the characteristics that the people in the clan will have. Then, we did some drama and acted out some of the animals. We finished if off with some time on "la colline de Highlands", which is always popular with the students. All that, and so much more was learned this week at school!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Sunday, November 29nd)

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are suggested activities)

Work on vowel sounds through these games

November 8th - 13th

It was a week of celebrations! Bonne fete to Taim and Kerim! This weekend, I'd like to wish you a Happy Diwali. This week, we got outside to enjoy the nice weather a few times. We made our way to Highlands Hill for the first time but it won’t be our last! On the hill, we continued our conversation about the Indigenous peoples and how they were the first people on our land. This was a nice way to give students a basic understanding of “Land Recognition”. Feel free to continue this discussion at home. Tuesday and Wednesday (Mardi et Mercredi), we talked a lot about wars and peace, fallen soldiers and veterans and what we can do to keep Peace going (Be Open, Be Curious, Be Kind and Be Peaceful!). We also saw the role that animals played in a variety of wars. We did not make our way to see Dazzle this week because we went another route in the forest. Maybe you could go visit her this weeked? Our “Je suis” writing is ready to be put up, I will take pictures when they are there. I’m so very proud of how much your children know about themselves. Knowing oneself and understanding others are such important parts in becoming global citizens. Before and after our forest trip, we read a book called “Brindille” (in the read aloud). We then crafted our own little “Brindille” and gave it another name. All that, and so much more was learned this week at school!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Sunday, November 22nd)

  • Do 20 minutes (or more) work on Lalilo.

  • Practice reading these sentences EEE 2 to 3 times. Pick one of the sentences, copy it and draw it. Take a picture of the work to share with Madame.

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are suggested activities)

  • Have your child Roll and read the words on this page. For an added challenge, have them write sentences with the words they roll.

November 1st - 6th

Yay! It is November! This first week focused a lot on Treaty Awareness week. We talked about what a promise is, what happens when we break a promise and what has happened in Canada with Indigenous peoples who have received broken promises. They were rich discussions to have in Grade 1 and the students did a great job! I have changed my morning message a little bit and the students have risen to the challenge in writing different answers back. We are really working hard at reading with our sounds, I hope you are seeing that at home too. With Dazzle this week, we learned how to ask questions. We asked Dazzle a bunch of questions and over the next few weeks, we will be working on those answers in class, within our science unit. I have loved hearing about your child's characteristics in our social studies unit. Next week, we will work on our "Je suis" writing... I can't wait! We did some dancing, some humming, some in-mask singing... All that and more was learned this week at school!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Sunday, November 15th)

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are suggested activities)

  • Listen to one of the stories in the read-aloud section of this site. Write the title of the book on a piece of paper, and answer this question:

  1. J'aime/ Je n'aime pas title of the book parce que ________________________

  • Listen and sing along with this song A ma fenetre . Have your child try to write the words that they hear and/or have them follow along with the words A ma fenetre

  • Play tic-tac-toe with your child. Instead of Xs and Os, use A and E words. Use these list for guidance AAA EEE

October 26th - 30th

We had another great week in Grade 1. Friday, we had an exciting day in the classroom with some students who dressed up for Halloween. I hope you will enjoy a nice weekend with your child. This week, we began writing little messages. Students practiced writing to Madame and answering her question. We also started writing a book called “Regarde, Madame!”. In reading, we worked on the EEE sound. This is a hard sound to grasp. I’ve included a game to have your child practice hearing the sound. We talked about our families and what is special or unique about each of our families. It was great learning more about you and your families. We continued talking about cycles by exploring the day/ night cycle and Dazzle’s cycle. We had our October school assembly on a Google Meet. Our class presented about "Mindfulness". Go see it in the "Mindfulness" section of this website, your might see your child! In art, we worked on lines in art by looking at “The Scream” by Edvard Munch. Next week, we will add in our own faces to this art work. You will see how spooky your child can be when this art work comes home. All that, and so much more, was done this week at school.

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Sunday, November 8th)

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are suggested activities)

  • Listen to one of the stories in the read-aloud section of this site. Write the title of the book on a piece of paper, and answer one (or both) of these questions:

  1. Ma partie preferee est _______________parce que ____________ (my favourite part is ______because________)

  2. Pick a character in the book and tell me about them. ________ est _____parce que____. (____ is ______ because ______)

  • Listen and read along with this video E sounds

  • Here is a game that your child can play with the EEE letter: jeu1

  • Here is a placing in order game with the days of the week and months. days and months

October 19h - 23rd

This week, we continued to work on the sound "aaa". We practiced writing words that start with A and that have the sound A in them. Next week, we are starting our 2nd vowel: E. We talked about our colours again and we painted our self portraits. It was interesting to see all of the variations of skin colours in our classrooms. We talked about "cycles" in science and learned that it is something that repeats itself over and over again. Ask your child what kind of cycles they know. We read a book about a maple tree (un arbre d'erable) and then we talked about how we know that Dazzle is a maple tree too. We walked in the forest and played in some great puddles. We became artists, writers and readers this week! "Je suis un artiste", "Je suis un ecrivain" and "Je suis un lecteur" was heard throughout the classroom. We talked about our name and what nicknames we like to be called. In Physical Education, we talked about Terry Fox and we began running a marathon. Every Thursday, we will run 1km, until we make it to 42km! Ask your child if this was easy, or difficult for them. All that, and so much more, was learned at school this week!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Thursday, October 29th)

  1. Watch and listen to Madame reading the E sounds E sounds

  2. Open this page and have your child read it Read the E sounds

  3. Take a video and put it in your child's drive, so that I can listen to it.

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are suggested activities, not mandatory)

  • If your child completed the Non, David! activity from last week, I have looked at it and written a comment. There is a sentence written in bold, have your child read it.

  • Have your child write a "Je vois" book with the AAA words. Use this to help: AAA words

  • Here are some games that your child can play with the AAA letter: Jeu 1and Jeu 2

October 13th-16th

This week, we worked on the sound "aaa". We used our listening skills to hear what words have that sound in them. We blended different consonents with the letter A. Our at-home work will support this learning. We practiced reading "Je vois" and then we began writing our own book about what we see in the forest. Stay tuned, it will come home in the next ziplock bag! We also wrote a little story about a tree that we painted. See some of our work in the pictures section. We went to spend some time with Dazzle and we drew what they look like. Next week, we will learn about the different types of trees that are in our forest and which one Dazzle is. We started to explore ourselves and who we are by looking at the colour of our skin. With the book Nos couleurs , we saw how many different colours there are! We read a book by Todd Parr about our differences and then we crafted our imaginary selves. All that, and so much more, was learned at school this week!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Thursday, October 22nd)

There are 3 parts to this week's homework.

  1. Watch and listen to this videoLe son A . Read along with Madame.

  2. Listen to Madame read Non,David! How many words with the A sound can you hear?

  3. Go into your Google Drive to create a document. (for help on how to do this, see this video: How to-Google Drive ). In your document, write Non, David! as your title. Then write 3 words that have the A sound in them that were in the book. Then, write 3 words that have the A sound but are not in the book.

October 5th -9th

This week, we worked on our vowels. We learned that every word has a vowel in it. We practiced reading sounds and words with the A vowel in them. Our at-home practice this week will support that at home! We made videos of ourselves reading letters. We learned that good readers (des lecteurs) use pictures to read, make guesses about words and use the sounds that they know to read. We made some great progress in becoming "des lecteurs"! We explored the forest and its beautiful colours. We adopted a tree and we named it "Dazzle". With this tree, we plan on practicing our number counting, writing messages, showing kindness, learning about trees needs, making maps, and so much more! We are excited to visit Dazzle on a weekly basis. We talked about things that we like or love (j'aime). We learned how to make darker (fonce) and lighter (pale) colours with paint. We thought about who or what we are grateful for and we said "Merci". Finally, we filled our class bucket, which means we got to watch a little movie. Les freres Kratt was entertaining! All that, and so much more, was done at school!!!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are suggested activities, not mandatory)

  • Writing: Make a little book called “J’aime”. On each page, your child should write about things they like and draw a picture. See picture for an example.

  • Writing: Printing practice. Have your child look at the directions in Printing letters. Use a lined notebook and have them print the words that we learned this week

  • L’automne! Here is a booklet with activities that have to do with l’automne. Feel free to print and use.

  • Reading: Visit the books in Tumblebooks for some online reading.

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Thursday, October 15th)

You can’t write in this form. You need to print, make a copy or just have your child use it on screen.

  • Have your child open their google drive to find a video. Here is a video to teach you to access your child’s google drive. Have your child use their login information that was sent to you last week to access and look at the video that your child did in class. When they enter their drive, go to "Shared Drive" and then the "French" folder. If you cannot remember their login information, please send me a message and I will provide it to you.

September 28th-October 2nd

This week, we continued practicing reading the names of the friends in the classroom. I encourage you to continue practicing them at home. We welcomed a new friend into our classroom and we were so kind in doing so! We practiced naming the letters in the alphabet in and out of order. We talked about expected (attendu) and unexpected (inattendu) behaviours at school. We did some painting and we wrote the colours that we painted. We talked about "Les autochtones" and about the schools they had to go to are different from KHPS. We looked at and named the colours in a rainbow while making our own rainbows. We enjoyed the fall weather and talked about "une feuille" that we found. All that, and so much more, was done at school!!!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are suggested activities, not mandatory)

  • Writing: Typing practice:: To get your child more comfortable in using the keyboard, doing 5 minutes of typing practice a day could be really helpful. Also, it will help your child recognize letters in English, which is helpful for when they learn reading in English! (grade 2)

  • Writing: Printing practice: See the printing chart attached and practice printing the letters. Printing letters When printing, start letters at 1 and follow the arrows. Printing is so much easier if you’re starting at the right spot! Practice writing our words of the week in a journal at home.

  • Reading: You need an Ottawa Public Library card for this activity. Go to: Once you enter, go to the top left part of the page and click on "kids". On the kids page, click on "books". scroll down to "Tumblebook library". Enter your Ottawa Public Library login information. On the right of the page, switch the language to "Francais". Now, you're ready to read!!! I would suggest the "eveil" books for our class but feel free to explore.

  • Reading: Watch a video of Madame reading a book in the Read aloud section of this website. On a piece of paper, write the title of the book that you listened to and draw your favourite part of the book. Add some French words to your picture!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Thursday, October 8th)

  • Reading: Practice reading these words of the week. Listen to Madame reading them if you're not sure what they are. Mots de la semaine

  • Fill in this form by Thursday, October 8th.

September 21st-25th

This week, we practiced writing and recognizing the names of the friends in the classroom. Here is a list of names , along with Madame saying them . We worked on recognizing the letters in the alphabet out of order. Here are the letters that you can practice with at home. Remember to practice them out of order! Here is a video that helps with the sounds alphabet out of order . We learned the words "Je vois". Next Monday, you will receive a couple of books that your child coloured and read. Have them read those books to you when they get home. We created some great art using the primary colours and the book "Un livre" by Herve Tullet. All that, and so much more, was done at school!!!

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are suggested activities, not mandatory)

  • Reading: Watch these books (on mute) and have your child read them to you. Les couleurs and Que vois-tu?.

  • Reading: Print two pages of the names of our classmates and have your child play a memory game.

  • Writing: ave your child write a little book using "Je vois" or the colours.

  • Reading and Writing: Go on a neighbourhood walk and find words that start with each letter of the alphabet (bonus, if they are French words!)

AT-HOME PRACTICE (these are mandatory, please complete by Thursday, October 1st)

  • Reading and Writing: Have your child complete this form At-home practice, Sept 24 . Make sure they are using the log-in information that was sent to you by email.