Information for Voice Teachers

What voice teachers of Canterbury students need to know:

If you are a voice teacher of a Canterbury student, you are a very important part of their life. A student's individual progress depends primarily on the specific feedback they receive from you, their teacher.

Our hope is that students will receive specific, one-on-one technical training from their voice teachers. It is impossible to give specific, individual feedback in a classroom setting, so it is the hope of the staff at CHS that students will be instructed on how to improve their technique at their lessons with you. There is no substitute for excellent singing technique and we want our students to sing properly at all times.

Please note that voice teachers are kindly asked not to use lesson time to teach notes & rhythms to your CHS students . Students are responsible for their own learning and they are given more than enough class time to learn their notes and rhythms and practice for any upcoming evaluations. There is no excuse for them not to be prepared. You can, of course, help them with the implementation of their artistic choices, but this should happen after the learning is done. 

In general, Grades 9 & 10 are primarily focused on the development of proper, healthy vocal technique, including posture, stance, breathing, and vowel/mouth shape, as well as performance etiquette (stage comportment, bowing, acknowledgment). Grades 11 & 12 are primarily focused on performance communication and artistic choices so that students may achieve the best end result possible.

CHS Vocal Program - TEACHER OVERVIEW_2024-2025