Literary Arts 

APPLY for the 2025/26 SCHOOL YEAR



            Portfolios due: Thursday, JANuary 10th, 2025 by 3:00 PM

Lit Arts Promo Video Slide 2023

Applications are due between Nov 11th - Dec 2nd, 2024.

Step 1: Read every word of the portfolio requirements and start preparing your portfolio now!

Step 2: Apply between Nov 11th - Dec 2nd, 2023. Applicants will be sent a date and time for their virtual interview. Interviews will be 10 mins per person. Google Meet links will be sent 1 week - 1 day before your interview to the primary contact email.

Step 3: Literary Arts Portfolios are due Friday, January 10th, 2025 by 3:00 PM - send to

Step 4: Be sure PORTFOLIOS ARE NAMED and SUBMITTED as follows: LAST NAME_FIRST NAME(Literary Arts Portfolio) and submitted all in ONE Google Doc. Also please be sure to share all documents as "Anyone with the link can view" otherwise we will have to request access.

IMPORTANT: A.I. generators are strictly forbidden. The work must all be the applicant´s original writing.

Portfolio Requirements 

Portfolio Requirements (for Grade 8 applicants)

Prepare a digital portfolio, including:

Description of Portfolio pieces: 

An autobiography (up to a maximum word count of 250, double-spaced)

In this piece, your goal is to give the reader a sense of who you are by writing about the people, events and experiences that have shaped you into the writer that you are. You might mention special interests or things you believe deeply. You could also mention things you have achieved or have tried to do or plan to do, but there is no set format and no specific information that you are required to include. Feel free to use a creative approach or format to organize your work. Write in an honest, personal way.

Best written piece(s) to date (up to 1500 words total, double-spaced)

Please select and submit a copy (no comments, marks or edits) of what you believe to be your best piece(s) of writing. This could be one longer story, or a variety of shorter pieces like poems, or an opinion piece.  Remember, quality over quantity.  No part of the audition process is based on how "long" the piece is.

Personal reflection (up to 500 words, double-spaced)

Please write a reflection that articulates why you believe that the piece(s) you have selected is your best writing to date. Explain what you perceive to be the merits or strength of the piece(s). Explain your writing process for the piece(s). For example, what inspired the piece(s)? Did you complete any research? How did the piece(s) evolve over time? This reflection should be your best self-assessment of your work, and contain observations and comments on your writing process and the product. 

Audition Requirements for students who are applying to Literary Arts Program, CURRENT Grade 9, 10 and 11.

Prepare a digital portfolio, including:

program details

Narrative: Students will examine and practice the effective use of the fundamental elements of story telling, including developing conflict, managing plot, structuring events, developing characters, establishing setting, showing theme and using tone, irony and symbolism.  They will try their hand at specific forms and types of narrative, such as the post card story, the stream of consciousness story, a story within a story, the realistic story and the fantasy story

Poetry: Students will practice the effective use of the fundamental elements of poetry, including diction, image, metaphor and other poetic devices, rhythm and sound.  They will also explore and practice a wide range of forms (e.g. ballad, sonnet, ghazal, renga and palindrome), tones (e.g. direct, lyrical, ironic and didactic) and structures (e.g. list, contrast and letter)

Non-fiction: Students will practice the effective use of the fundamental elements of non-fiction, including the wording of a thesis, the methods of developing an argument and the rhetorical considerations related to word choice and sentence structure.  They will explore and practice a wide range of non-fiction forms specific to academic writing (e.g. the review and the research essay) and journalism (e.g. the article and the profile).  They will also have many opportunities to write creative non-fiction.

Script Writing: Students will examine and practice the fundamental elements of script writing, including the handling of plot, character, conflict, setting, dialogue and time.  They will explore and practice a range of structures (e.g. circular and linear) and forms (e.g. radio play, skit, stage play, film, collective, and documentary).  They will also focus on issues particular to script writing, including accepted play script format, visualization and scene.

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Respecting each student’s individual aptitudes, interests and personal academic and artistic goals, the Literary Arts program seeks to strengthen the student’s creative abilities and to develop a confident, creative, independent and highly-skilled writer’s voice.

Through reading international, Canadian, classic and modern literature and through the detailed examination of models, students will develop an understanding of the fundamental elements and traditions of each type of writing.

Literary Arts students will do as much writing as possible. In their writing, students will explore and practice specific forms, techniques, structures, styles, purposes and tones. As students progress from grade nine to grade twelve, their writing will become more technically skilled, complex and inventive in style and content.

Other activities for students in the Literary Arts Program include: 

*Attendance is an important part of the Literary Arts program. Students are expected to attend all classes, field trips, readings and workshops.