Venture Program Slides


The purpose of the Venture Program, which runs in conjunction with our existing Classic Program, is to offer a similarly rich opportunity to have high-caliber dance instruction at Canterbury High School for students who are just beginning their journey.  It is not too late to start dancing with us!  In this Venture Program, we will teach students the fundamentals of technique from the beginning, and these will be the tools to build your dance vocabulary and confidence.

The Venture Program, although rigorous, is balanced with a holistic approach to dance that teaches young dancers to care for themselves in a safe space while achieving their dance goals.

Dance Technique

This full-year course (2 semesters, 2 credits) will be instructed in modules. While studying various styles of dance, students will gain and further their fundamental movement technique including balance and coordination;  posture and anatomic relatedness; muscle strength and flexibility; use of space and proprioception; and ability to vary movement energy while also developing musicality and presentation skills. Exposure to multiple dance styles and techniques will offer a comprehensive introduction to dance foundations common to ballet, modern dance, jazz, contemporary, hip hop and more as well as strengthen students’ existing musicality.

The technical demands of the course will increase as the students gain experience and learn to implement feedback promptly.  There will be 7 units of study: ballet; modern dance; jazz; hip hop & contemporary; World dance (relevant to students in the class); dancer cross-training and development of safe flexibility; and dance composition.

Dance Composition

Students build their choreographic abilities through the study of the elements of dance; varied composition exercises; and the creation of small group choreographic works.  Students learn to combine the elements of dance in original sequences and explore how to develop rich ideas and communicate them successfully to an audience. Complemented with open discussion, guided improvisation and ongoing performance feedback, students begin to develop an aesthetic consciousness.


A variety of performance opportunities in class will familiarize students with the experience of performing for an audience and help grow their confidence. Importantly, guest artists are brought into the program to lead workshops and deliver novel choreography to expose students to a variety of ideas and dance genres.

Our Holistic Approach to Dance Education

Dance students study dance history and culture, including the evolution of these dance forms and the terminology associated with them.  Students have multiple opportunities to review professional dance performances in a variety of dance styles.  Faculty help students develop the ability to think critically about their experiences and present their analysis proficiently.

We also believe that a healthy and happy dancer will reach their fullest potential.  Our caring faculty places high value on encouraging proper healthy nutrition and wellness.  We also work with parents/ guardians and guidance counselors to ensure dancers take the appropriate time to recover from injury or illness.  We also discuss and promote positive coping strategies for our dancers’ busy lifestyles while they strive to maintain their academic progress while in our rigorous program.  

We make it a priority to offer workshops, led by ourselves or experts in the community, to support our dancers’ ongoing learning and well-being. Most recently, these workshops have included musculoskeletal anatomy; concussion management; nutrition; as well as gratitude, wellness and meditation, among others.


We welcome candidates for positions in our Venture Program for grades 9 and 10 only this year.


Candidates will be greeted warmly by our faculty and will notice our CHS dance classes taking place concurrently.  During their stay, candidates will observe a grade 9 ballet class as well as a senior-level modern class.  Candidates will also participate in a hip-hop workshop. We want candidates to experience learning dance in our facility while receiving lots of direction and feedback.  We are looking for candidates with a high level of engagement and strong learning skills. 

Candidates will also eat lunch at CHS and should pack a nutritious meal and drink.


10:30- 11:45  Grade 9 Ballet observation

11:45- 12:45  Lunch with other candidates, opportunity to speak with current CHS dancers

12:50- 2:05    Grade 12 Modern observation

2:15- 3:20      Hip hop workshop     

3:20- 3:40      Learning consolidation with Arts Coordinator and VP


Candidates for the Venture Program are encouraged to wear a t-shirt with athletic shorts, sweatpants or leggings.  No tank tops please. It is recommended that hair be tied back off the face so it does not interfere with your learning.