Frequently asked questions

Application Questions:

Applications for 2024-25 are now closed.

1. How do I apply to the arts program?

Step 1: To register for your audition, Fill in the Arts Canterbury Application form on the page that says Apply Nov 15 - DEC 7 2023.

Step 2: within 3-5 business days, You will receive aN Audition Confirmation LETTER to your Primary Contact  email with the following:  1) Audition Dates / Times, 2) Audition Information (such as - what to bring and where to  go),  3) REFERENCE Request Form (In the meantime please reach out to your references to get their permission to use them as a reference AND contact information) 

2. When should I apply to the arts program?

The online application link is open between Nov 15 - Dec 7, 2023.

3. How do I know if my online application went through?

Once you complete the Arts Canterbury Application Form we will send an Audition Confirmation Letter with audition times and the Reference Request Form. This letter is your confirmation letter. 

4. What should I bring to the audition?

We will inform you in the Audition Confirmation Letter as to what you will need to bring.

5. When is all of the paperwork due?   5a. How do I get the Google Meet link?

Reference Request Forms are due by December 14, 2023.  References should submit their forms by Dec 20th, 2023.

Google Meet links for those with a virtual audition will be sent between 1 week - 1 day before the audition.

6. What if I’m not sure I want to go into the Arts Canterbury Program?

It is important to make this decision before you submit your application since auditioning is an indication that you wish to be here and will accept a spot if one is offered. If you are deciding whether or not to attend, please be timely and considerate of our deadlines. 

7. I made a mistake on my application form, what should I do?

Contact: Arts.Canterbury@ocdsb.ca by email. Make sure you identify yourself (your first and last name, and the art to which you are applying).

8. Can I apply if I’m already in Gr.9 (or 10 or 11) at another school?

Yes. We sometimes have spots available.

9.  I live far away from Canterbury.  Will I get transportation to school?

OSTA is in charge of busing for the OCDSB. Canterbury HS does not make decisions regarding transportation.  Website: ocdsb.ca/elementary/transportation. Phone: 613-224-8800. Email: admin@ottawaschoolbus.ca 

We ask that you practice riding to Canterbury BEFORE you make the decision and that you understand the dedication involved in longer commutes.

10. Do I need to submit my report card?

No, we do not need a copy of your report card.

11. If I have an IEP, will that hinder my chances of joining the art program?

No, having an IEP will not hinder your chances of getting into the arts program. Many of our students have IEPs. Also if you are accepted into the arts program you do not need to declare if you have an IEP until you accept the offer.

12. What if I am homeschooled?

The application and audition process is the same for everyone including homeschool applicants.


1. How do I know if I am ready for the audition?

We endeavour to be clear about what will occur at the auditions and how applicants will be evaluated.  Please read the audition requirements carefully to understand the specific criteria of each arts area. 

2. How many people audition to Arts Canterbury?

Each year the number is different. Last year, we had over 600 applicants. The admission process is competitive since there are only 234 grade 9 spaces available.  

3. Where can I park?

Please park in the large  lot on the east side of the school that contains the portables.  The lot on the west side is reserved for staff members.  We have also received permission from the Alta Vista Baptist Church across the street to use their parking lot if ours become full.

4. I have changed my mind about applying, what do I do?

Contact the Arts Coordinator immediately by email at arts.canterbury@ocdsb.ca to explain the situation.  Make sure to leave your first and last name, and the art to which you are applying. Emailing is the best way to reach us. 


1. When will I find out if I have been accepted?

All candidates will be informed of results in an email on March 18th, 2024 between 4:00 - 6:00 PM.  

2. My friend received an acceptance email or letter already, does this mean I didn't get in?

All applicants will receive their results March 18th, 2024 between 4:00 - 6:00 PM. 

3. I received my acceptance email, what do I do now?

Respond by filling out the google form sent in the acceptance letter.

4. What if I’m on a waiting list?

Some students are not accepted into an Arts program but are instead put on a waiting list.  This means the student was really good but there were too many people applying that there was just not enough room for everyone.  Frequently people cancel and we invite students from the waiting list to attend Canterbury.  If you are on the waiting list and spot becomes available, we will email you April and June. In some cases the email comes in Sept.

5. Do I have to pay to attend Canterbury?

Canterbury High School is a publicly funded high school, however, to support the enriched Arts Program we ask each Arts student from Grades 9-12 to pay a Yearly Arts Fee of $250. This fee pays for visiting artists, specialized equipment, materials and facilities, technicians, repairs, models and accompanists that are not part of any regular arts program available in any other school.  Without this financial support our means of offering an enriched program will be significantly reduced. Students experiencing economic hardship will not be turned away! For those who can not pay the fee, families can apply for a subsidy. 

6. I didn’t make it!  Does that mean I lack talent?

No!!! The lack of acceptance does not indicate a lack of talent or potential; we can only fit 26 students in each class and so our space is limited. We sincerely hope that all candidates continue to practice and enjoy their art.  Strong arts programs exist throughout the OCDSB and we hope you will enroll in these classes.

7. Can I call the Arts Coordinator to find out if I’ve been accepted?

Please do not call the Arts Coordinator for results. An email will be sent to you on March 18

8. If I don’t make it this year, can I reapply next year?

Yes! We welcome students re-auditioning for grades other than 9.  Please understand, however, that spaces in the gr.10, 11, and 12 year are also limited.  Acceptance into a higher grade relies on a student withdrawing from the program.  The good news is that in grades 11 and 12 for Drama, Music, and Literary, we are allowed to have more students in those classes.  Due to safety concerns associated with special constraints, class sizes in Dance and Visual Arts remain consistent across all grades.  

9. Can I get feedback about my audition?

Once all candidates have been informed of the audition results (March 18th, 2024) it may be possible to receive feedback from the Arts Coordinator over the phone.  Due to the number of applicants and time restrictions, we cannot accommodate requests to meet in person or for written responses.  Please also be aware that the Arts Coordinator was not present during your audition and is only relaying the information provided on the audition feedback forms.

INTERNATIONAL -or- out of province applicant QUESTIONS:

1. Are there different application and audition processes for students not living in Canada? 

See below for international student resources:


Study Permit: https://www.studyottawa.ca/website/page/show/study-permit?lang=en&docID=92 

New to Canada: Family Reception Centre: https://ocdsb.ss13.sharpschool.com/cms/one.aspx?pageId=181494 

2. Is there a different application and audition process for students who live outside of Ontario?

Candidates who apply from out-of-province but are Canadian citizens studying at a Canadian school in either French or English, need to contact the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) for registration and fee information (613-596-8731).  Once this has occurred, they may apply directly to Canterbury High School and will undergo the same application and audition processes.  

3. Is it necessary for me to travel to Ottawa to complete an audition?

International students who live abroad and have been assessed by the International Student Program as viable applicants have the option of completing some parts of the process via a long-distance audition.  The same applies to Canadian citizens who are living abroad and studying in English. Please contact the Arts Coordinator directly for further details.

4. How do I apply if I am a Canadian citizen who currently lives abroad but I am moving back to Ottawa with my family to attend high school?  

If you are a Canadian citizen who has studied within Canada prior to moving abroad or who has attended an International Baccalaureate Program or English school while abroad and is proficient in spoken and written English, you may apply directly to Canterbury High School.  If you are out-of-country during the scheduled audition dates, you may request a long-distance audition option.

5. Will Canterbury help me find housing in Ottawa?

Canterbury High School does not provide billeting or housing for out-of–city applicants.  It is recommended that students needing help with housing contact the Ottawa International Student Program at https://www.studyottawa.ca/website/page/show/main?lang=en and click on “Homestay”.

6. Are there fees for out-of-province and out-of-country students? 

Please be advised that there are fees associated with both international and out-of-province students.  The fee amount for international students can be found at https://www.studyottawa.ca/website/page/show/fees21?lang=en&docID=1435. For fee information, please contact OCDSB Admissions at 613-596-8211.