

  • Haque, A. K. E., Mukhopadhyay, P., Nepal, M. and Shammin, M. R. (Eds), 2022. Climate Change and Community Resilience: Insights from South Asia. Springer Nature.

  • Shammin, M. R., Petersen, J. E., Frantz, C. M. and Orr, D., 2014 (Eds). Special Issue of the Solutions Journal. Solutions 5(1).

BOOK CHAPTERS (Peer Reviewed)

  • Shammin, M. R., Haque, A. K. E. and Faisal, I. M., 2022. A Framework for Climate Resilient Community-based Adaptation. In A. K. E. Haque, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Nepal and M. R. Shammin (Eds). Climate Change and Community Resilience: Insights from South Asia. Springer Nature.

  • Shammin, M. R., Wang, A. and Sosland, M., 2022. A Survey of Community-based Climate Adaptation in Developing Countries. In A. K. E. Haque, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Nepal and M. R. Shammin (Eds). Climate Change and Community Resilience: Insights from South Asia. Springer Nature.

  • Amin, R. and Shammin, M. R., 2022. A Resilience Framework for Climate Adaptation: The Shyamnagar Experience. In A. K. E. Haque, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Nepal and M. R. Shammin (Eds). Climate Change and Community Resilience: Insights from South Asia. Springer Nature.

  • Shammin, M. R. and Haque, A. K. E., 2022. Small-scale Solar Solutions for Energy Resilience in Bangladesh. In A. K. E. Haque, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Nepal and M. R. Shammin (Eds). Climate Change and Community Resilience: Insights from South Asia. Springer Nature.

  • Shammin, M. R., Firoz, R. and Hasan, R., 2022. Frameworks, Stories and Learnings from Disaster Management in Bangladesh. In A. K. E. Haque, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Nepal and M. R. Shammin (Eds). Climate Change and Community Resilience: Insights from South Asia. Springer Nature.

  • Petersen J., Daneri, D., Frantz, C., and Shammin M. R., 2017. Environmental Dashboards: Fostering Pro-environmental and Pro-community Thought and Action Through Feedback. In W. L. Filho, L. L. Brandli, P. Castro, & J. Newman (Eds.). Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. World Sustainability Series.

  • Shammin, M. R., 2012. The Role of US Households in Global Carbon Emissions. Chapter in: Liu, G. (ed), Greenhouse Gases - Emission, Measurement and Management, InTech. London, UK.

ARTICLES (Peer Reviewed)

  • Fiskio, J., Shammin, M. R. and Scott, V., 2016. Cultivating Community: Black Agrarianism in Cleveland, Ohio. Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 16(2), 18-30

  • Petersen, J.E., Frantz, C.M., Shammin, M.R., Yanisch, T.M., Tincknell, E., and *Myers, N., 2015. Electricity and Water Conservation on College and University Campuses in Response to National Competitions among Dormitories: Quantifying Relationships between Behavior, Conservation Strategies and Psychological Metrics. PLoS ONE 10(12), e0144070

  • Cook, T., Shammin, M. R., Frantz, C. and Petersen, J., 2014. Measuring Transition to Sustainability: From Simple Diagnosis to Data-driven Interventions. Solutions 5(1), 70-78

  • Masi, B., Fiskio, J. and Shammin, M. R., 2014. Urban Agriculture in Rust Belt Cities. Solutions 5(1), 44-53

  • Petersen, J., Frantz, C. and Shammin, M. R., 2014. Using Sociotechnical Feedback to Engage, Educate, Motivate & Empower Environmental Thought and Action. Solutions 5(1),79-87

  • Suter, J. and Shammin, M. R., 2013. Returns to Residential Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measures: A Field Experiment. Energy Policy 59, 551–561

  • Bagstad, K. and Shammin, M. R., 2012. Can the Genuine Progress Indicator better inform sustainable regional progress? – A case study for Northeast Ohio. Ecological Indicators 18, 330–341

  • Shammin, M., Petersen, J. and Suter, J. 2011. Cooling off a Warming Planet: Analyzing the tradeoffs in policies for climate change. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University at Buffalo, New York.

  • Shammin, M. R., Herendeen, R., Hanson, M. and Wilson, E. 2010. A Multivariate Analysis of the Energy Intensity of Sprawl versus Compact Living in the US for 2003. Ecological Economics 69, 2363–2373

  • Shammin, M. R. and Bullard, C., 2009. Impact of Cap‐and‐trade Policies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions on U.S. Households. Ecological Economics 68, 2432–2438

  • Kenwick, R., Shammin, M. R. and Sullivan, W., 2009. Preferences for Riparian Buffers. Landscape and Urban Planning 91, 88–96


  • Haque, A. K. E., Mukhopadhyay, P., Nepal, M. and Shammin, M. R., 2022. South Asian Stories of Climate Resilience. In A. K. E. Haque, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Nepal and M. R. Shammin (Eds). Climate Change and Community Resilience: Insights from South Asia. Springer Nature.

  • Haque, A. K. E., Mukhopadhyay, P., Nepal, M. and Shammin, M. R., 2022. Communities, Climate Change and Win-Win Solutions. In A. K. E. Haque, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Nepal and M. R. Shammin (Eds). Climate Change and Community Resilience: Insights from South Asia. Springer Nature.

  • Haque, A. K. E., Bari, E. and Shammin, M. R., 2019. Assessing Synergy between Climate and Development Projects: Which one is more effective and efficient? Book Chapter (published in Bengali translation). In Governance Issues in Bangladesh: Strategies for Progress (10th Edition). Transparency International Bangladesh.

  • Bhadra, D. and Shammin, M. R. 2001. Urbanisation. In Bangladesh Environment Outlook 2001, Center for Sustainable Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Faisal, I., Shammin, M. R. and Junaid, J., 2001. Industrial Pollution. In Bangladesh Environment Outlook 2001. Center for

  • Sustainable Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Shammin, M. R., 1999. Application of the Travel Cost Method (TCM): A Case Study of Environmental Valuation of Dhaka Zoological Garden. In J. Hetch (Ed), The Economic Value of the Environment: Cases from South Asia. The World Conservation Union (IUCN), USA.

  • Shammin, M. R. 1999. Sustainable Development of Dhaka Zoological Garden: An Economic and Management Analysis. In Environmental Economics in Bangladesh. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) & Association for Green Accounting in Bangladesh (AGAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Haque, A. K. E., Faisal, I., Shammin, M. R., Nishat, A. and Ahmed, R., 1999. Impact of Flood 1998 on Biodiversity of Dhaka City Area. In The 1998 Flood: Impact on Environment of Dhaka City. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) & Bangladesh Department of Environment.


  • Shammin, M. R., Amin, R. and Motaleb, M. A., 2020. Environmental Management Protocol for Refugee Camps: Opportunities and Challenges for The Rohingya Refugees Camps in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Concept paper. IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) and UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency), January 2020.

  • Shammin, M. R., Petersen, J., Frantz, C. and Orr, D., 2014. Full Spectrum Sustainability–Developing Working Models for Community Transformation. Editorial. Solutions 5(1), 1

  • Shammin, M. R., Auch, W. and Brylowski, L., 2012. Triple-bottom-line Analysis of Urban Agriculture as a Solution to Vacant Land Repurposing: A Case Study of Cleveland. White paper. Cleveland Botanical Garden and the Great Lakes Protection Fund (GLPF).

  • Haque, A. K. E., Faisal, I. M. and Shammin, M. R., 1999. Compendium of Environment Statistics. Government Report. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Haque, A. K. E., Faisal, I. M. and Shammin, M. R., 1998. Bangladesh Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (B-FDES). Government Report. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.

Working with colleagues from five institutions of the Great Lakes Colleges Association during a workshop at Antioch College in 2015 as part of a collaborative project led by Dr. Shammin


2021-24: Integrating Perspective-taking and Systems Thinking for Complex Problem-Solving. Co-PI. A collaborative research project between Michigan State University and Oberlin College. Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (IUSE: EHR) – Level II. National Science Foundation (NSF). $548,133.

2020-21: Further Developing Cleveland Environmental Dashboard for STEM Education at the Great Lakes Science Center and Other Partner Organizations to Motivate and Empower Environmental Stewardship. Co-PI. Funded by the Cleveland Foundation. $50,000.

2019-20: Developing Environmental Dashboard for Cleveland and Environmental Dashboard-based STEM Education at the Great Lakes Science Center to Motivate and Empower Environmental Stewardship (Phase 2). Co-PI. Funded by the Cleveland Foundation. $50,000.

2017-18: Pilot integration of Environmental Dashboard in Ohio: Teacher Training and Curriculum Development. Co-PI. Funded by Ohio Environmental Education Fund of the Ohio EPA. $49,689.00

2015 – 2018: SES RUI: Assessing the Effect of Systems Thinking on Decision Making. Co PI. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). $329,325

2015 - 2016: Implementation of Environmental Dashboard in multiple GLCA colleges as a digital platform to foster collaboration between faculty, students and staff across campuses. Project Leader. Funded by Great Lakes College Association (GLCA) for a total award up to $231,000.

2009 – 2015: Implementing real-time resource use feedback to motivate and empower conservation. Co-PI. Funded by the Great Lakes Protection Fund (GLPF) for a total award of $812,000.

2014 – 2015: Incorporating Community Voices and Real-time Feedback Displays of Resource Use into Public School Curriculum. Co-PI. Funded by Ohio Environmental Education Fund of the Ohio EPA for a total award of $47,568.

2013 – 2014: Youth educating their community through “Environmental Dashboard”: Combining public displays of electricity and water use with student-designed environmental content to build community stewardship. Co-PI. Funded by The State Farm Youth Advisory Board Grant for a total award of $ $99,927.

2011 – 2012: Transformation of Social, Physical, and Economic Systems to Achieve Full Spectrum Sustainability: A Research Agenda for the Oberlin Project. Co-PI. Funded by The Schmidt Family Foundation / 11th Hour Grant for a total award of $100,000.

2011 – 2012: Redeveloping Vacant Land as Green Infrastructure in Great Lakes Cities. Consultant. Funded by the Great Lakes Protection Fund (GLPF) through a grant to Cleveland Botanical Garden for a total award of $166,919.