
@the ancient Greek temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, built during 444–440 BC (on excursion during the Workshop on Borders and Borderlands at the Global Crossroads at The American College of Greece, Athens, June 19-24,2019)

With the amazing worshop hosts at The American College of Greece - (from left) Emmanuel Skoulas, Chryssa Zachou, (myself), Helena Maragou and Anastasia Sotiropoulou - at the Workshop on Borders and Borderlands at the Global Crossroads, Athens, June 19-24,2019

@ Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp with field staff of IUCN in January, 2019.

@ Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp with Rohingya volunteer Sadek Majhi
in January, 2019.