Enrichment days

Enrichment Days are part of the Oathall annual calendar because of the value and benefits that they have proved to give our students. They are an opportunity to enhance learning, introduce new activities and concepts and can involve healthy competitions. Students enjoy these days as they allow opportunities for working with students and staff who they may not have previously interacted with. The days allow them to develop their teamwork, communication, cooperation, organisation and social skills whilst having plenty of fun!

On Year 9 Enrichment Day we were treated to a fantastic visit from Divergent Theatre Company for their English activity.

The day began with a film viewing of 'An Inspector Calls' - a play by J B Priestley that the year 9s had recently studied in preparation for starting KS4 English Literature.

Students were then split into groups and guided through various workshop activities linked to the play. Staff really enjoyed seeing how the students developed in confidence and their understanding of the text as the day progressed. Students participated enthusiastically and many proved themselves to be fine actors! Well done, year 9s. We hope you enjoyed it!

Theatre indoors and outdoors

The Performance faculty ran a number of activities for our students, here are some photps which capture the fun.

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Students in years 7 and 8 had to opportunity to get their "little grey cells" working as they teamed up to see who was "Smarticus" in two fun-filled afternoons of quizzing run by librarian Mrs Perrin and support staff member Mrs Freeman. The rounds included general knowledge, countries and maps, estimating numbers and a book round.

Year 9 students who have opted to take RE GCSE, had the opportunity during enrichment days to take part in a Yoga and Mindfulness workshop for two hours and then had a Taste of India workshop through the senses. They were able to taste food and find out in sensory ways about the experience a trip to India can give someone.

Year 7 cohort took part in another very successful science-based enrichment day based around problem-solving, logic, and the links between science, maths and the real world. All students were very engaged in the numerous activities which took place on Friday, these included: code-breaking, Stock Exchange, building skyscrapers, and many more.

On Thursday 1st July we welcomed Year 8 into Science for an enrichment-themed day called “Shipwrecked!” We are always keen for students to learn how they can use Science in real life so this was the perfect opportunity!

During the course of the day, they completed a carousel of activities including what you would save from the wreckage, making a solar cooker from a pizza box and cooking marshmallows in it, a scavenger hunt, and cleaning dirty, salty water to make it drinkable. Hopefully, they developed their survival skills and had a thoroughly enjoyable day!

Baking Masterclass Enrichment Days

We were very privileged to welcome 2 groups of year 7 and year 8 students to the Food and Nutrition classroom on our enrichment days, to take part in a baking masterclass.

They made 2 recipes that were refined sugar-free and gluten-free, but absolutely delicious!

The recipes were Jammy Hearts and Chocolate Caramel Slices. Everyone was surprised at how good they tasted, despite the lack of sugar.

All the students worked very hard to produce their results in time using some different methods of cooking than they were used to. It was great to have some time baking after the year we have had and the distinct lack of practical lessons.

Thank you to all who took part, we hope your families enjoyed the results you took home- if there were any left!

Mrs Kirkpatrick and Mrs Slater

Jammy Hearts

For enrichment day, our Year 9 History GCSE students enjoyed a morning of producing 1920s 'silent movies' based on their studies of 1920s USA. Choosing from a variety of themes from the 'roaring twenties', such as flappers, prohibition, and the 'jazz age', students put their acting and directing skills to good use in portraying some of the events from this decade. Movie premieres with popcorn and a mini awards 'ceremony' at the end showcased the best of our Charlie Chaplins and Clara Bows!

In Year 7, students have been studying Stuart society- this has included a look at how so-called 'witches' were treated in the 1600s, and below is an example of work by Sakshi in Mrs Edwards's class. In Year 8, we have been continuing to look at Britain's role in the world through a study of the British Empire and the slave trade.

Well done to all our history students for their hard work this term.