New Mexico

May 12

Brenda: Drove to Cedar Crest, NM. Walmart Amarillo, TX dog food, drinks, cash $139.64

Gas at Endee, NM Chevron 51,035 23.44 gallons $72.65 Drinks/oranges $4.67

Gas at Cline’s Corner Subway $3.49 gallon, 18.4 gallons $62.00 Subway $7

Ate at Ribs BBQ, a dog friendly restaraunt in Cedar Crest. Great meal $74. Triangle grocery 1 mile down road, has tons of beer and ice cream choices.

2 nights Cedar Crest Stables $131.32 nice turnout for horses, $20/horse/nite no bath house, but has wifi, electric and water for ONE trailer.

Don Romero is the owner, he's about 60. His main business is as an outfitter.

TRAILS NOT MARKED at all on our ride into Cibola National Forest. We climbed the mountain to view Cedar Crest and Albuquerque, a 10 mile ride.

Difficulty 4

Overall 2

May 13

Ate chinese take-away from Happy Garden $25 while doing laundry at The Wash Tub laundromat. $5.50

Red dirt road dogs….do they really have white on them??? The pups are COVERED in red clay from the "campground." Happy Mother’s Day!

May 14

Brenda: Drove to Santa Fe Livery 13 Rons Rd owned by Tom Wright 505-470-9399 Nice stalls and turnout area, covered $20/night/horse free camping, DUSTY, WINDY, more clean facials! Rented trailer from a custom silver smith/saddle maker (and hottie...a Clint Black look alike) Clint Mortenson 505-690-3118 $250 /week.

He was cleaning Trigger/Roy Roger’s saddle….tons of silver, heavy….I GOT TO SIT ON Roy Roger’s saddle!! Someone had just paid $300,000 for stuffed Trigger and saddle...he was cleaning the saddle….awesome!!

OMG Love this beautiful, tough hike…...Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument $5 carload 8-4

Hiked to the top with Joe and Ben...Tomi made it ¾ of way Canyon Trail 3 mile round trip straight up...630 ft climb

We had to hurry because we got there at 2:30...took us 45 minutes at a good pace and we were pooped.

Best hike ever…..shower at Ben and Tomi’s RV park and super dinner of pot roast, potatoes green beans, apple pie by Tommi…. a very busy day….drinking lots of water. All animals doing great with altitude increase...our highest point.

May 15

First ride in New Mexico….Caja del Rio Plateau 12 miles

Difficulty 5

Overall 6

Saw TWO HERDS OF WILD HORSES!!!!!! 7 in first group including 2 foals, other 3 adults...mostly bay and solid brown

My Indian name: She who finds wild horses!!!! They did what they should, RAN!!!

May 16

Brenda: Excellent breakfast at San Marcos Cafe $35

Dinner at Tomasita’s - Tommi’s favorite….best margarita ever $120 for all four

Shopped…….cat purses $30, earrings $20, bag alfalfa pellets $13

Evening at Madrid, New Mexico, an old mining town, now eclectic artist enclave. ….dog friendly bars, bought some earrings $25

Joe: Brenda drove the ten miles from Madrid to camp... her first miles behind the wheel on this trip. I found beer.

May 17

Second ride in NM Santa Fe National Forest/Pecos Wilderness 6 ½ hours 15 miles, tons of trees down

Difficulty 8.5

Overall 9.5

Cave Creek #2 to Skyline Trail to Stewart Lake-Windsor-Panchuela Trailhead

1 rattlesnake, 2 elk, 25 mule deer, salamanders in lake, outstanding groves of aspen trees, tall pines, creeks

Flowers: wild clematis, Indian paintbrush, yellow sweet pea, orchids, skunk cabbage, iris, Jacobs ladder

Passed dinosaur barn artist, snow on mountain, ice in caves the first 2 hours. I felt like we were riding in a Bev Doolittle painting!!! So very beautiful!

Poor Tommi came off twice, first time very freak accident with a coat hanger (who leaves THAT near a trailhead?) on her horse's front and hind left legs... Tommi powered through the ride and went to ER next day….what a gal….didn’t want us to miss the ride!!!

May 18

Shopping at Canyon Drive WOW…..very expensive and unique art lunch $50 Walmart $181.92

Madrid for shopping/dinner/beer/music 2 fringed leather purses, one for Linda and me $300

Belle of the West Gallery 2 turquoise bracelets, 2 earrings, 1 necklace $337.44 vendor: Rock N Wire

Dinner $50 at The Holler.

Joe: I met singer/guitar player named Jasper in the beer garden in Madrid. He invited me to play fiddle with him for tips at San Marcos Cafe, across the road from our camp, on Saturday.

May 19

Brenda: Third ride in NM Cerillos State Park 8 miles, 2 hours, $5/truck

Difficulty 2

Overall 3

Returned trailer and watched Clint and his son rope cattle, Roy Rogers saddle already returned, so I couldn't get a picture.

3 lizards, 1 snake, dusty, windy, tons of “jackrock” stickers laundry $11 at RV park

EXCELLENT dinner/gypsy show paid for by Tommi and Ben...what a treat El Farol on Canyon Rd

Joe: We made $1.75 in tips at the cafe....

May 20

Brenda: Drove with intention to ride Valles de Caldera…., however no dogs allowed IN THE PARK.. AT ALL,Very slow driving, beautiful views. We skipped, since we had LQ and dogs, drove to Farmington, NM

Gas, then best horse hotel ever….2 million dollar farm….$30/horse, great barn and turnout pasture.

$25 hookup…...BAILEY GOT SKUNKED!!!!!!! Right before bedtime.....