
Step 1 - Make a copy of your original file

Open your original file

Then Save As

You should include your name and project type i.e. yourname_character_lasercutter_stencil.svg

Step 2 - Adjust your design for stencils

You may need to adjust your shapes. Think about how the shapes will work when they are cut out. You need to avoid having islands and instead bridge these.

Important! Before finishing the project make all the shapes transparent fill with a black line. Ask your teacher to check this.

When this is done Save it in your space and then you need to put on a USB for the laser cutter.


Step 3 - Lasercut stencils onto card

Using the lasercutter in X9 cut the stencil onto 3mm card

Step 4 - Apply your stencil

In this example the stencils were applied to butchers paper and used for book coverings. This was done by painting using rollers and paintbrushes when the stencil is placed on the paper.

Step 5 - Admire your finished product!

And don't forget to upload a picture to the assignment box/slideshow.