Getting Started with Gimp

In this tutorial you will be shown how to make a poster with some inserted images, text, and use some of the colour tools in GIMP.

If at any point you make a mistake simply press Ctrl + Z to undo the last action.

Two quick functions that can help at the very beginning:

  • To zoom in press Ctrl and scroll using your mouse wheel

  • To pan around the canvas hold the Middle Mouse Button (scroll wheel button) and move the mouse.

Step 1: Setting up your canvas

First go to File > New to create a new canvas.

You will then get a pop-up which will give you a number of options.

Templates allows you to make your canvas the right size for various formats for example:

A4 (300ppi) is a good template for making A4 sized posters that will print out nicely.

1920 x 1080 (full HD 1080p) is a good template for making movie/youtube graphics.

There are also options here for landscape and portrait settings.

Step 2: Copying images onto Canvas

Now we need to get a picture to put onto our canvas.

Go to Google and find a picture of an animal. Importantly we need to find one we are allowed to use so in Google Image search make sure you select Tools > Usage Rights > Creative Commons licenses.

These images you are more likely to be allowed to use for projects like this.

When we have chosen an image we are going to click on it to show the full image on the right then Right Click > Copy image.

Then when we go back to GIMP we can Right Click > Edit > Paste. Alternatively we can press Ctrl + V.

Finally we are going to make the image its own layer so that we can manipulate it. To do this Right Click on the layer that we have just imported called Floating Selection (Pasted Layer) in the bottom right hand side and select To New Layer.

We now have imported our layer image we are going to do exactly the same process to import a Party Hat and an accessory like a piece of jewelry, feather, or clothing.

Step 3: Removing backgrounds using Fuzzy Select

The reason we chose a party hat to begin with is that lots of the photos of them have lots of white space behind the photo making them easy to modify.

To start with we are going to remove this white space using Fuzzy Select. select the tool from the toolbox in the top right hand corner (it looks like a magic wand). Then Click on the area of white space around the party hat. Simply press Delete (not Back Space). The white space will then be removed. To deselect press Ctrl + Shift + A

Step 4: Moving, Scaling and Rotating layers

To move layers around your canvas select the layer you want to move from the Layers Menu. Make sure you do not select the layer mask (box on the right with a cross through it). Next use the Move Tool (1) in the tool box in the top right, Click on an area of the layer you want to move and Drag it into the right place.

To scale a layer you need to select the layer you want to resize, then press the Scale Tool (2). You then need to Click the image you want to rotate and drag out the box. Make sure you press the Scale button when you are happy to finalize your changes.

In order to rotate the layer again select the layer you want to rotate. In new versions of GIMP you now need to Click and Hold the Scale Tool in order to show the additional functions. While continuing to hold move the mouse over the Rotate then release. The process is then the same as the Scale Tool, Click, Modify the edges, press the Rotate Button.

Step 5: Adding text

To add text to your image we are going to click on the Text Tool (A) and then Click on our picture where you want the text. It is easiest with you just click rather than click and drag a box as the size of the box will automatically scale to the correct size if you do it this way.

To change the Font, Size or Colour. You first need to select the text you want to change (when it is selected there will be yellow boxes around the letters). Then change the settings in the popup box. Press Ctrl + A to select all the text.

When you are done you can Move and Rotate the text just like before. Make sure when you move or rotate that you press where the text is or you may modify the wrong layer.

Step 6: Recolouring and Filters

A quick crash course in some of the cool effects available in GIMP.

Changing Colours

Click on the layer you want to recolour and then Color > Hue and Chroma.

You can then change the Hue, Chroma, and Lightness to change the colours in that layer. Finally press OK.


Click on the layer you want to recolour and then select the filter you want. Some examples are below. Each effect has different sliders that can be modified to get your desired result.

Distorts > Engrave

Distorts > Mosaic

Artistic > Cartoon

Artistic > Waterpixels

Decor > Old Photo

Distorts > Ripple

Edge Detect > Neon

Map > Fractal Trace

Saving up your work

Press File > Save. Make sure you save your work to the H: Drive. This is the drive with your Student Id and has (H:) at the end.

Submitting your image

Press File > Export. Your Gimp file should already be in your H: Drive and named appropriately.

You just need to select JPEG from the Select File Type options at bottom then export.

Submit your JPG file

For Experts: Removing backgrounds using Layer Masks

For more complicated images we are going to remove the material using the layer mask.

Right click on the layer and select Add Layer Mask. Then select White (Full Opacity) and Add. Nothing will appear to happen.

We have now added a layer mask however which will let us modify which parts of the layer are visible. If it is White in the layer mask you can see it if it is Black you cant.

Now we are going to paint out the areas we don't want. To do this we are going to use the Paintbrush Tool.

There are only 3 things we are going to worry about at this stage:

  1. Colours - The top square is our currently applied colour and the bottom is our quick change. We can swap between them pressing the arrows.

  2. Brush - We can select a range of different brushes with different properties.

  3. Size - Size of the brush

We are going to start with a Harness 100, and large brush to get rid of most of the material around our accessory. Paint out the areas we don't want in the layer mask with black to remove them.

Next we are going to change the size of our brush to be smaller and add some fuzziness and carefully paint out the areas we don't want. If you accidently paint somewhere you didn't mean to press Ctrl + Z to undo