Key Rings

Step 1 - Make a copy of your original file

Open your original file in Inkscape

Then Save As

You should include your name and the project type so it is easy to find on the usb, and amoungst your files

i.e yourname_character_lasercutter_keyring.svg

Step 2 - Set Up your Inkscape Workspace

  1. Open Fill and Stroke.... Object Menu --> Fill and Stroke

  2. Open Layers.... Layer Menu --> Layers

  3. You will see them next to each other on the right of your screen and as we are using these to menus lots you want to have them both open.

To do this drag the Layers panel by clicking the Layers tab and dragging below

  1. You already have one layer, now create 2 more by clicking the + at the bottom of layers. Rename all of them to:

  • Laser - etch fill

  • Laser - etch line

  • Laser - cut

Step 3 - Change your design to a stroke

The easiest way to get started is to change all of your design to a stroke.

  1. Select everything in your vector

  2. In the Fill & Stoke panel

      • Turn off Fill

      • Turn on Stroke. To begin with make the colour black if not already.

You may need to clean up your design at this point

  • no duplicate lines (the line tends to look darker compared to others, you can always select, delete and undo to check)

  • shapes should be whole. i.e. not multiple lines grouped to make a shape.

  • If you want to use the etch fill shapes have to be whole i.e. the line is connected the whole way with no gaps.

Step 4 - Your Design

You need to decide what your design is going to look like. You can cut, etch lines or etch a fill. Also what size it is going to be.

You will use the following system and assign the different parts of your design to the right colour:

  • Black for cut

  • Blue for etch fill

  • Red for etch line

By doing this in Inkscape it will already be ready for the laser cutter software Lightburn.

You also need to make sure they are on the correct layers so it is easy for you to manage. Select the part you need to move, right click and select Move, you can then select the layer you want. (See image below left). You can then lock and hide to check your design.

Note you may need to duplicate some shapes if they need to be filled and cut like the 3rd image

How to Move Layers

Different examples of the Key Ring design

Design 1 - Shape of Key Ring is cut (black) and the design is line etched (red).

Design 2 - Shape of Key Ring is cut (black) and the design is fill etched (blue).

Design 3 - Shape of Key Ring is the design, one line for cut (black), most of the design is fill etched (blue) and the mouth is line etched (red)

Design 4 - Shape of Key Ring is the general shape of the design to cut (black), the design outline is fill etched (blue) and the eyes & mouth is line etched (red)

Step 5 - Laser Cutter

We always do a test run in scrap cardboard first to check the design and size first.

If you have already set up the colours in Inkscape they will come through and the settings should already be correct.

The laser cutter works down the list so we want any etching to be first and the cutting to be last. To move the layers there are up and down arrow keys to the right.

Step 6 - Test in Cardboard

Pop the cardboard in the

Once the job is finished and before you move / remove from the laser we always hold in place and check it has cut through. If not you can turn the output off for the layers you don't need i.e. the

Step 7 - Final Laser Cut

If your cardboard one is correct then you can go ahead and cut on the material you want.

The main ones we use are:

  • 3mm plywood

  • 3mm acrylic - lots of colours

  • 5mm acrylic

Once you have selected the material you need to check

Step 8 - Finished product

Once you are happy you need to save the files in the appropriate format.

Firstly save the gimp file (should have been doing this along the way)

Then you need to Export and this time use JPG unless you need a transparent part and then you use PNG (See step 4 if need be)

EXTRA - HAVe some more fun

Get creative...... What else can you do with your image?

You can see how you can edit and manipulate the original photo in a variety of ways without have to re do everything.

By keeping your original image and having the edited photo with the transparent background as separate files you can re use as many times as you like.