The Cosmic Ray Detectors

The Cosmic Ray Detector is a unit made of layers on layers of plastic scintillators. The scintillators are laid in a cris-cross pattern and are connected to photosensors at the tips. The photosensors are connected to LEDs which would switch on when a particle passes through its plastic scintillator cell.

Four of these Cosmic Ray Detectors were built, three of which are in the Astroparticle Physics Lab. The last one is in Italy.

Napoli Toledo Station Raggi Cosmici

One of these detectors is a miniature built for easy transport. It is perfect for taking to schools for science public outreach!

And on your left immediately after you enter the lab, you will find the Mini Cosmic Ray Detector (regularly photobombed by Isaac). It is connected to a computer where the 3D representation of a particle detected by it can be seen. The Mini is also connected to a speaker which plays a different tune every time an event is detected. The tunes are based on angle of incidence.