The scroll down memory lane

2023/12/14 - MBRSC Delegates Visit!

On December 14th, a delegation of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center (MBRSC) visited Prof. Arneodo's laboratory where tests are conducted to finalize the design of a Lunar X-spectrometer (LXS) for the Rashid-2 Lunar rover. The Delegation was composed by Dr Sebastian Els, Hessa Rashid Al Matroushi, Hamdan Mohammed Al Ahmed, Maryam Mohammed Yousuf, Khalid Mohammad Badri. According to the comments expressed by the delegation members, they were extremely pleased with the visit and look forward to continuing the collaboration with NYUAD on the Lunar Rover.


Astronauts Hazzaa Almansoori, Frank Rubio, Stephen Bowen, and Andrey Fedyaev visited NYUAD during their Careers in Space tour. Of course, lab members rushed to attend the talk. Interesting space stories were shared.

Q: What majors or educational paths do you recommend for those who want to pursue space careers?

Stephen Bowen shared: You had to be a pilot in the past to become an astronaut, but now you can pursue almost anything and it will have some use in the space sector. Doctors, archeologists, anything! 

2023/11/23 - UAE Space Agency Visit!

The UAE Space Agency representatives visited the The Astroparticle Physics Lab in their tour around CASS . Lab members presented to them the link bridged between science and art  throught the use of physics in cultural heritage studies.

2023/11/22 - Danish Sun Telescope

Danish has set a telescope in central campus and prepared it for Sun watching.

Many students joined for a look, and they got an interesting look at the Sun's spots.

2023/11/20 - Guess who's back!

Back again!

Panos is back!

Tell a friend!

2023/11/15 - At the Dubai Airshow!

Lolowa and Tengiz attended the Dubai Airshow where they met with Sultan Al Neyadi and witnessed the live airshow performed over the venue's sky!

They also attended multiple space related talks and built connections with members of the UAE Space Agency and MBRSC.

2023/11/10 - KU Physics Club Visit

The physics club at Khalifa University (KU) visited NYUAD for a tour of the labs. The Astroparticle Physics Lab members guided the tours into six of NYUAD's hottest scientists attractions, building stronger links with neighboring labs, and new friendships with KU.

KU students got insight on the many projects NYUAD Labs work on, expressing interest in applying for internships in the near future.

2023/11/09 - Gianluca's talk

Dr. Gianluca Iori visited NYUAD and the Astroparticle Physics Lab! 

He gave an interesting talk on the projects he is a part of in SESAME Jordan. It was an inspiring moment when he presented the findings they obtained as they were able to scan a historic paper, layer by layer, without unfolding it so it won't be damaged due to it's fragile nature and age. 

Gianluca was given a tour of the lab where he enjoyed hearing about the dark matter research and the space science and cultural heritage applications of physics in which we employ here.

2023/11/07 - Physics Open House!

Cloud chambers, particle detectors, 3D printed models, and much more was presented by the members of the Astroparticle Physics Lab along with the entire physics department in the Physics Open House. Undergrad students gathered to learn of the experiments and projects, and of the potential research opportunities they can enroll in.  

2023/10/12 - APXS Inner Circle Only

Hamad, Isaac, and Maryam are planning the vacuum tests for space qualifying certain secret components.


2023/10/09 - Through their visit around Campus, the Robotics Conference attendees visited our lab, where Isaac shared with them the projects of the lab. 

2023/10/04 - The lab conducted XRF tests on lunar emulated samples obtained from MBRSC.

2023/10/03 - The new SDD arrived.

> Isaac asked it for a dance.

.. It said yes.

2023/09/14 - Lorenzo's last day with the lab! 

The Astroparticle Physics lab had the pleasure of having Dr. Lorenzo Perillo over for a visit in search for collaboration opportunities for the APXS electronics.

2023/07/18 - Light-1 Results Meeting with the UAE Space Agency

The Light-1 NYUAD Payload Team Presented the findings of the CubeSat mission before a panel of the UAE Space Agency Members. The presentation was given at the UAE Space Agency Abu Dhabi HQ, and it was given remotely by Professor Francesco, with the supporting presence of Dr. Adriano, Panos, Lolowa, and Tengiz. The presentation was also held with the attendance of the Light-1 KU Bus Team, who have worked on the Bus system of Light-1 CubeSat Prior to launch.

Highlight of the presentation; Data gathered by Light-1's RAAD Detectors were used to produce an updated map of the South Atlantic Anomaly.

2023/07/17 - APXS 3D Model

Arwa Alabbasi, an undergrad student and member of the Astroparticle Physics Lab, designed astonishing preliminary models for the APXS housing. 

The model opens up like ladybugs' wings.. I'm crying! 😍  

2023/07/14 - TES GEANT4 Simulation

The rise of a champion! Tengiz has mastered the GEANT 4 simulation tools and is now capable of simulating particle interactions for the TES project.

2023/07/11 - XRD Tests On Seneyah Samples

Maryam Manzoor handled a number of slag samples obtained from a kiln found on Seneyah Island in the UAE. She prepared for X-Ray Diffraction tests where their compound links were obtained. This test was only conducted on a small number of samples as it was a destructive method, and some samples had to stay intact per request of the excovadors. 

2023/07/07 - Henry is BACK! (For a while)

Back for more science (and iconic jokes), Henry Roberts is back for the week!

He will be helping with the X-Ray Fluorescence tests to be conducted on the Seneyah Island kiln samples.

He has truly been missed.

2023/06/21 - The Cultural Heritage Project's Team is growing!

Arwa, Sandhya, Zak, and Maryam are spending their summer working with Lolowa on the cultural heritage project. They are learning to master the XRF technique, along with XRD, ICPMS, and Rehydroxylation.

They will be working with pottery sample excavated from a kiln found on Seneyah Island in the UAE.

2023/06/08 - Artem working on the Monochromator 

Artem is spending his summer working at the Astroparticle Physics Lab. He is working on preparing the Monochromator so it can be used for detector characterization.

He is also working on ICPMS (Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy) Tests, where he is searching for the concentration of certain elements in TES samples.

2023/06/05 - Student tour to Hamad's Secret Lab.. Shhhhhhh! It's a secret! (not really)

Located in the basement, The Germanium Detector is placed under layers of concrete to reduce background rates. Hamad works with Dr. Osama using it on their High Purity Germanium Experiment. 

2023/05/23 - Carlota working on the Haloscope new 3D model.

Carlota is doing summer research with the Astroparticle Physics Lab where she is working on the Haloscope project. She will be honing her 3D modeling skills while coming up with new creative solutions for the door where the lens is inserted.

2023/05/11 - Zak presented a poster in the Capstone showcase!

2023/05/10 - Second Book Reading!

In the heard of the book store at NYUAD, Dr. Laura gave another reading of her book for kids and parents. She also brought the cloud chamber to show the track left behind by particles as they moved.

Francesca made an amazing treat in honor of the book's main character.

2023/05/04 - Alessandro's Visit

Dr. Laura and Isaac had a meeting with Alessandro Granelli for a collaboration in the Dark Matter project. Had a truly wonderful time.

He also gave a talk on Leptogenesis. 

2023/04/17 - ACS Visit

The American Chemical Society Student Chapter Group visited the Astroparticle Physics Lab where Isaac and Lolowa gave them a tour of the projects and tools used.  

2023/04/13 - Firmamento Workshop

Professor Francesco organized and participated in the Firmamento Workshop, a workshop which introduced the Firmamento tool. This tool allows everyone to help scientists analyze Blazar Data.

Find the tool here: Firmamento (nyu.edu) 

2023/02/10 - Dr. Laura's Book Reading!

Starting the year strong! 

Dr. Laura gave a reading on her published book to the children of NYUAD employees. Impressive turnup from the audience. and high-level activity from the kids (They were on a sugar rush after all). The kids got to learn about the different types of building blocks that make up an atom.

Informative, heartwarming, and entertaining! Everyone had fun. Both, Kids and parents.