Meme Centrá l

For legal reasons we must clarify that this page and its content are nothing but jokes. 


Campus cat

Feline. Survived centuries with minimal evolution required (It was already the superior life form). Has nine lives, and very sharp claws. 

Easily the winner..

No cat was harmed in the making of this post. Panos survived too.


Human. Well groomed, no claws, but can code. Caught off guard a bit before lunch. 

Brings out the cheat-code strategy: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.

Unlocks Super Saiyan form!! The plane is finally leveled.

Movie name: Pirates!

From the creative mind of Miss Alkindi, comes the award-winning masterpiece, Pirates!

Panos, Isaac, and Sebastien. Follow the journey of these three scientists as they.. do stuff.

Narrated by Professor Arneodo. Deep voice, as he starts with "In a world! One Man! Three chibi scientists! The ocean!.."

Now in cinemas.

Don't miss out on the famous scene!

In the spirit of Halloween.. 

... She was indeed the only one dressed.

When life gives you lemons..

This is how you science.

3D print gone wrong? Turn it into house for pet.


2023/07/19 - You can't sit with us..

2023/10/03 - You Can't Sit With Us, The Sequel. 

2023/07/18 - Picture in a fancy place! Quick! Pretend we're talking!

Do you mind? We're actually talking..