2022/11/16 - Isaac and Alam in the NYUAD Grad Slam Competition

Isaac and Alam participated in the Grad Slam competition where they presented their PhD projects  

2022/10/14 - At the Xenon Experiment in Gran Sasso Italy.

Isaac for scale.

2022/10/05 - Physics Open House!

Lab members participated in the Physics Open House, showcasing a number of projects and physics experiments. Most notably, the cultural heritage applications of physics. The students admired the Mona Henry scans. It is a Mano Lisa with Henry's glorious profile stuck to it. Zoom in on picture for a look.

2022/10/01 - Dr. Laura and Isaac get first looks on a replica of a UAE bronze-age boat building process.

2022/09/08 - Meeting Dr. Arthur B. McDonald, 2015 Physics Nobel Prize Winner!

Dr. Arthur gave an inspiring talk for the NYUAD students. Members of the Astroparticle  Physics Lab attended the talk, then invited Dr. Arthur for a visit to the lab where they shared the projects it hosts.

2022/08/14 - Breathtaking view from Gran Sasso taken by Professor Francesco.

2022/06 - Lab Members' Summer Activities.

2022/05/27 & 28 - The lab at the 16th Pisa Meeting on Advance Detectors

The team had the honor of meeting Dr. René Brun, a lifetime developer of ROOT. 

Lab Family Photo :)

Here we find Dr. Francesco, Rodrigo, Dr. Laura, Maryam, Panos, Henry, and Isaac.

2022/05/24 - Dr. Adriano at the 15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors

Dr. Adriano presented the unique design of Light-1 and RAAD, along with the mission's operations and preliminary findings. 

2022/05/24 - Lolowa at the NYUAD Annual Research Showcase 

Lolowa presented a poster on the preliminary findings of Light-1 since the time of it's deployment. Here she is caught mid-explanation as she enthusiastically shared how mind-blowing the discovery of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Earth's atmosphere was.

2022/05/22 - Isaac, Henry, and Panos at the Via Panisperna Boys spot.

2022/05/05 - Hamad is at the ICRM Low-Level Measurements Techniques Conference!!

Hamad presented a poster on the High Purity Germanium Experiment at the ICRM Low-Level Measurements Techniques Conference.

2022/02/03  - Deployment of Light-1

RAAD is free!

It can detect TGFs to its hearts content.