Podcast Production
Launch your own podcast show with workshops and support from studio40
Launch your own podcast show with workshops and support from studio40.
Book time in the studio, attend a hands-on 101 workshop at one of our branches, or enroll in our 6-week Podcasting Incubator program and get your show off the ground.
Classes and Programs
Podcasting 101: Create Your Own Podcast
A podcast is a creative, on-demand audio show for sharing information, telling stories, participating in community conversations, and much more. Learn the basic recording techniques you need to get started and tips for building your own show.
Editing Audio with Audacity
After recording, audio producers work to create a compelling audio experience by using cuts, edits, and additions that bring the listener into the story. Come learn how to use the free audio production software Audacity to mix and edit your audio show.
*Recommended Prerequisites: Podcasting 101: Start Your Podcast Now