Speech AI Research center


vision (願景)

In the near future, it's conceivable that humans will communicate directly with intelligent entities using spoken language, instructing them to collaborate. Consequently, next-generation computers and robots will need to not only accurately interpret human language but also possess a deep understanding of world dynamics. Additionally, they should be capable of processing multi-modal information and utilizing various tools, including programming, to execute human commands.


We aim to develop robots that can independently learn human language and understand the world by solely watching television. This knowledge will be applied in various fields, such as Smart Medicine, Healthcare, Auto Manufacturing, and Language Tutoring.


Members (中心成員)

Function & Operation (中心功能)

Research Areas (研究方向)

Highlights (點)

WiTMed (smart medicine)

Working Horses - High Performance Computing (計算資源)

Laboratory (ED-707,中心實驗室)

Contact Us

Yuan-Fu Liao (廖元甫)

Full Professor, 

Institute of Artificial Intelligence Innovation, Industry-Academia Innovation School, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Email: yfliao (at) nycu.edu.tw,

Web.: https://sites.google.com/nycu.edu.tw/sarc/members/prof-yuan-fu-liao

Address: EF-375, No. 1001, Daxue Rd. East Dist., HsinChu, 300093, Taiwan

Telephone: +886-3-5712121 ext. 58530

Email: sarc@nycu.edu.tw

Address: ED-707, No. 1001, Daxue Rd. East Dist., HsinChu, 300093, Taiwan

Telephone: +886-3-5712121 ext. 54554, 54555

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