Edulastic Resources

Important reminders about Edulatic:

Assessment Naming Convention

Edulastic Naming Convention - When naming assessments shared to the District Library in Edulastic please use the following format ...

School year, Building abbreviation, Assessment name.

For example, "19-20 PRE Math Unit 1 Test" or "19-20 NWLSD English 1 Quarter 3 Assessment"

Important information on the Safe Exam Browser!

When scheduling assessments in Edulastic DO NOT TURN ON THE SAFE EXAM BROWSER under Super Powers settings. If you want students to take their test but not have access to any other websites, schedule your test as you would normally. Then when students go to take the test have them access the Edulastic App before logging into the Chromebook. They will need to click on the Login with Google button and then enter their school email and students ID. If you have any questions or need help with this please reach out to Andy or Leslie.

Edulastic District Assessment Proctoring Directions