Intro to Keyboard Level I

Introduction to Keyboarding Level I

This class is designed for the beginning level piano player to have the opportunity to explore basic keyboarding skills.

Students will play left hand and right hand in C, F, and G position. Students will learn notes of C, F and G major. Students will learn note durations. Students will learn music introductory level music theory. Students will learn introductory piano technique. Students will learn popular repertoire.

Students will work at their own pace, depending on their previous musical skill. Students will learn to play melodies in the C, F, and G position. Students will learn to read on the grand staff with varying note values. Students will understand interval differences between notes from unison to octave. Students will play pieces utilizing I, IV, V7 Chords. Students will be able to play two hand scales. Students will perform weekly assessment recital for instructor. Students will perform end of quarter recital for other students.

Intro to Keyboarding Class Rules