Session 1 Review and Reflect

Emotional Poverty Review Questions for Session #1

For CTLE and Book Study Credit through Tioga County Teacher’s Center

Submit to Brittany Dougherty


1.   What is the four-part definition of emotional poverty?

2.   How does emotional poverty impact all economic groups, particularly affluent populations?

3.   How is school safety related to this four-part definition?

4.   What does the statement “consequences will always be needed; it is the approach that needs to change” mean?

5.   Ninety percent of school discipline issues come from 10–15% of the students. Think of a student you taught who falls into that 10–15%. Please fill out the checklist for identifying emotional resources in the Introduction for that student. After you filled out the checklist, what did you learn about that student’s emotional resources?

Chapter 1

1.   Can you teach the hand model of the brain, a powerful mental model, to your class? Why would you do that? What is the benefit for the students?

2.   Which parts of the brain have the most influence in determining and controlling an emotional meltdown?

3.   What is the definition of an emotional meltdown?

4.   Stosny says “emotion is processed 200–5,000 times faster than thought.” Why is that information beneficial to know?

5.   Compare and contrast calming techniques that you currently use with those that are suggested in Chapter 1. Which techniques are you willing to try?