Jocelyn Miller

About me

Hello! My name is Jocelyn Miller and I'm a senior in the Web Design program at Southwest Career and Technical Academy. Some hobbies of mine are drawing and reading. My favorite series is The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. I am also very interested in photography.


Historical figure

We were to pick a historical figure and design a piece of work that portrayed what they would do with the power of the infinity gauntlet. I chose Copernicus for this project and this portrays how he was trying to teach everyone about the heliocentric theory.

poem typography

The class was going through the typography unit, and we were to find a poem or song we really liked for the project. We then had to use the words of the poem to turn it into an abstract piece of art that portrayed the meaning of the poem or song without it being too literal.

group replacement

We got into groups and took pictures around campus to spark creativity within our work. We then had to photo shop these pictures to show impossible situations, the picture showing the school turned into an ocean.

Metrix Presentation
Historical Figure Presentation

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