Sevag Tchobanian

About me

My name is Sevag and I'm a Junior who attends SWCTA. I love art and stuff and my program area is Web Design.

Epic pictures


Me and my clone


Normal picture


Me levitating

English PBL Presentation
Elon Musk

This was for a project where you had to depict what would happen if a historical figure had the infinity gauntlet. It was pretty fun to work on and I'm proud of it.

I'm proud of how this one turned out because it was one of the first things we did in graphic design class. I think Mr. Ball liked but who knows.

This is supposed to be a picture on a calendar for October. It's a nice picture and most of it is hand-drawn.

Obviously this is a google doodle. It's supposed to represent music and I really like the feeling I get from looking at this.