Kaine Brown

haha whoa hey there

Heya! It's Kaine here. I really enjoy tippty-typin' on the keyboards and doing the strokey-strokes in Illustrator. That's pretty much it, really.

My Favorite Works from 2018-19

"We the future: protect our privacy" - december 2018

This was easily one of my favorite project of the entire year. Just something about vector tracing is very fun to do. I also enjoy branching from the norm and doing something different from everybody else. This assignment was the perfect way of showing that.

"feelin' blue" - may 2019

Surreal, dreamlike art piece that invoke some kind of emotion are one of my favorite types. So I figured I would try my hand at making one for this project. I liked the overall final image, but I do wish I was more inspired when I made it. If I can find the time, I would totally go back and fix it, or even redo it entirely.

"friend" - february 2019

I really enjoy doing tremendously stupid projects because they're really fun to mess around with. There is a lot of untapped potential that you could use with Photoshop, and I think that is why I love it so much. It's like you could either make a work of art or singlehandedly create the worst image known to man, and Photoshop provides the tools that allows you do that.

"teacher poster" - september 2018

This was one of first projects I ever did for Graphic Design, and I'm just gonna say right now: I hate it. I really had no idea what I was doing when I made it, as I was just starting out. I probably won't go back and redo this one. I put this here because it can remind me how much I've gotten better as a designer.

Churchill, Destroyer of Regimes
Age of Exploration Photo-Essay