Abril Olivo, Estela Castanon


Led Zeppelin's music has always been an interesting mix of folk music and rock. You would think that such different genres wouldn't mix, but they've proven time and time again that it all depends on the lyrics and execution. When they first released their music, people thought that they were worshiping the devil because they just didn't understand the music style, lyrics, and the way they achieved fame so quickly. They achieved fame so quickly because Jimmy Page and Robert Plant were brilliant at mixing different elements of music and knowing what people would enjoy listening to. Now people consider them one of the best rock bands of all time with one of the greatest guitarists ever.

Bättig, I. von A., Butscher, I. von V., Schuh, K. von M., & Kabelitz, K. von S. (n.d.). Arctic Monkeys – – band.

An amazing performance was the Beatle's rooftop concert on January 30, 1969, this performance was great not only because the Beatles were performing but because they were playing never-before-heard songs that went back to their original rock sound. They didn’t announce when or where they were performing, but they managed to capture the attention of random people who were wandering the streets. The performance was sadly cut short due to the authorities showing up to inform them that they couldn’t perform there. This haphazard concert happened 55 years ago but, it’s still consistently mentioned because of how iconic it was.

Led Zeppelin onstage, Madison Square Garden, NY, 1973. Led Zeppelin Onstage, Madison Square Garden, NY, 1973 | San Francisco Art Exchange. (n.d.).

Team, uDiscover. (2021, November 9). Led Zeppelin. uDiscover Music.

The Arctic Monkeys gained a lot of popularity in the late 2000s to early 2010s this is mostly due to them changing their band image and sound of their music. Alex Turner composes the lyrics of almost every song the band has made and you can hear them get more mature as time passes. With the release of their album AM, they went from alternative rock to hard modern rock that’s heavy with drums, guitar riffs, and allusions to space. They’ve been nominated for Best Rock Performance at the Grammys and have won countless accolades for their work. They are living proof that no one knows how to make rock music like the British can.


One of the best parts of rock music is getting to watch the music performed live. It adds an intensity and emotion that can only be captured with your eyes. Rock music is one of the most popular music genres in the world. People love the guitar rifts and they love the lyrics. Live music is one of the most fundamental elements of music and here are some of the best rock performances of all time. 

The beatles: Get back - the rooftop concert. Academy Museum of Motion Pictures - Timeline. (n.d.).

Led Zeppelin at Madison Square Garden in 1973,  is considered one of the most important live rock performances ever. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant worked together meticulously to give listeners a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Jimmy Page is jamming out on his guitar not caring about anything in the world and he captures the attention of the audience with his amazing stage presence. They made songs that would normally only take 40 minutes to perform, into a whole two-hour experience. Madison Garden was packed when they performed there for two days, and it’s constantly brought up when people talk about the best rock performances of all time. It's been 50 years since Led Zeppelin performed at Madison Square Garden, and no other concert has been able to measure up to it since.


Woodstock ‘99, held in Rome, New York, was meant to be a modern version of the famous 1969 Woodstock festival, known for its focus on music and peace. However, this event from July 22 to 25, 1999, got a lot of attention for not capturing the friendly atmosphere of the original Woodstock back in 1969. Problems like too many people, bad facilities, and high ticket prices turned Woodstock ‘99 into something very different.

Hiatt, Brian, and Brian Hiatt. “Did Woodstock ’99 Kill Rock?” Rolling Stone, 26 July 2019,

The end of Woodstock 99 was chaotic with violence, and destruction. People were unhappy, the weather was hot, and there wasn't enough of what everyone needed. This made the festival go against the original idea of bringing people together in a positive way. After it was over, there was a lot of thinking about whether big music events like this should stay true to their original spirit or if they are becoming too focused on making money. Woodstock 99 stands out as an important moment in music history, showing the dangers of moving away from the core values of those gatherings.

                   Yarrow, Allison. “How the Riot Grrrl Movement Sold the World on Girl Power.” The Daily Beast, The Daily Beast, 7 July 2018,

The Riot Grrl movement entered the scene in the early 90s, especially in punk and alternative music. Bands like Bikini Kill and Bratmobile were big contributors to this moment. What made Riot Grrl unique was its DIY (Do it yourself) attitude, helping several women rebel from traditional gender roles. They used music and activism to speak out against issues like sexism and sexual assault making a strong community among women who felt underrepresented in a male-dominated punk environment.

However, this movement wasn't just about music; it had a big impact on feminism. It encouraged women to be vocal, express themselves through music, and challenge the norms society has placed on them. Despite this movement facing a lot of backlash and controversy, this movement has left a mark on feminism and punk music, inspiring many women to stand up against gender stereotypes.


“Dark Side of the Moon,” an album released by Pink Floyd, stands out as an iconic album, hitting the music scene in 1973. It’s often said to be one of the greatest albums in rock. The songs in this album connect, forming a story about life, start to finish. It’s a musical story that unfolds from one track to another. 

The album dives deep into meaningful topics like life, death, and the human experience. It’s a unique blend of progressive rock with thoughtful lyrics. The iconic album cover, featuring a prism and spectrum, captures the psychedelic atmosphere of the music. To this day, many music fans appreciate this album for its expression and impact on the world of rock.

“Pink Floyd ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ Poster.” Posters Plug, Accessed 29 Jan. 2024

“AM”, an album by the Artic Monkeys, came out in 2013, This album brings a different feel from their earlier music. The songs are catchy with their melodies, creating a laid-back atmosphere. One of the more popular songs on this album, “Do I Wanna Know?”, has a mysterious feel that captured the attention of many. 

Arctic Monkeys included a mix of R&B and rock on this album. The lyrics are clever, and Alex Turner’s vocals stand out in this album. What makes this album special is that not only does it capture the attention of rock fans, it also captures the attention of other fans from different genres. The Arctic Monkeys managed to reinvent their style with this album, making it a modern classic. 

“Arctic Monkeys: AM.” Pitchfork,

“Weezer” also known as the Blue, Album, hit the music scene in 1994, and its considered a gem in the rock world. This album is a burst of energy with it’s upbeat melodies. The catchy guitar riffs and River Cuomo’s distinctive vocals make each song memorable. “Buddy Holly:” and “Undone- The Sweater Song” are classics that still get praised to this day.

What makes this album different is the mix of the guitar melodies and the pop themes. The songs are relatable to many, touching themes like relationships and growing up. Weezer’s album is a nostalgic trip capturing the essence of 90’s rock. The album cover with a simple blue background and the band’s logo is iconic because of its simplicity.

“Say It Ain’t So: Weezer’s Landmark ‘Blue Album’ Turns 25.” WTOP News, 10 May 2019, Accessed 31 Jan. 2024.


“Abbey Road | the Beatles.”,

“Arctic Monkeys: AM.” Pitchfork,

Campbell, Ollie. “The Designer of Nirvana’s Nevermind Cover on Shooting Babies and Working with Kurt Cobain | the Work behind the Work.” Milanote,

Epstein, Dan. “Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’: 10 Things You Didn’t Know.” Rolling Stone, 1 Mar. 2018,

“Jason Newsted Reveals the Truth about Metallica’s Concert in Russia in 1991.” Headbangerz Club, Accessed 23 Jan. 2024.

Music, This Day In. “Led Zeppelin – Led Zeppelin IV.” This Day in Music, 6 Feb. 2022, Accessed 23 Jan. 2024.

“Nevermind - Nirvana | Songs, Reviews, Credits | AllMusic.”,

Thomas, Matthew. “Kurt Cobain Stopped His Concert to Protect a Female Fan in His Audience from Being Harassed.” TheThings, 9 Aug. 2023,

Weezer | Biography, Albums, Streaming Links | AllMusic. “Weezer | Biography, Albums, Streaming Links | AllMusic.” AllMusic, AllMusic, 2010,