AP Testing 

AP Testing Coordinators: Rochelle Pullins behlir@nv.ccsd.net and Bonnie Lykins lykinb@nv.ccsd.net

AP Testing Forms

Exam Financial Assistance Form - Optional - Fill out if you qualify for a fee reduction - Due October 4th
The CCSD Grant is able to match what a school would regularly pay, so if a family would regularly qualify for fee assistance we still need that information.

Opt Out Form - Students enrolled in AP courses are required to take the aligned AP examination in all of their AP courses each year. Research shows that students who take their AP exams, regardless of their final score on College Board tests, perform at higher levels in college and graduate at a much higher four-year rate compared to peers who opt-out of their AP exams. Although not advised, families may waive the testing requirement, related to Advanced Placement (AP) by informing the school. Opt-Out forms must be completed and approved prior to October 4th

The opt out form needs to be signed by the student, parent, and teacher and then returned to either Bonnie Lykins 1300 Office or Rochelle Pullins 1200 Office.  

The district will not pay for any additional fees. If students do not take a test that has been ordered, a $40 fee will be added to the student’s account. 

AP Links

My AP Account Login

AP Test Dates

If you've forgotten which email address you provided when you created your account, or already have multiple accounts, contact customer service at 866-315-6068