Image by Brooke Flanagan, Class of 2022. All rights reserved.


what is a database?

Yavapi College Library. “What are databases and why you need them.” YouTube, 29 Sep 2011,

A database is a digital collection that can be searched. You probably use databases nearly every day already. Netflix is a database of videos. Amazon is a database of products. Both are searchable to find just what you want or need.

Research databases are the same. They are collections of information from reliable sources such as newspapers, magazines, journals, and encyclopedias that you can search. Each research database has a purpose or contains specific types of information. Our school has a few databases, the Nashua Public Library has some too, and colleges have many databases. 

Research databases are your friend!  Learn to use them now and you will thank us when you work on your college projects sitting in your pajamas in your dorm. 

research databases list

Each research database has a unique username and password for access outside of the school network. View the database password list
(You must be logged into Chrome with your nsd42 account to view this document. If you are prompted to request access to the file, you are not in your nsd42 account.)

General Research/Background Information

Britannica School is a general encyclopedia which is a good place to get background information when you start your research. 

This online encyclopedia contains:

General Research/Background Information

Credo Source  (formerly Source Reference) is a collection of reference materials for gathering background information as you begin your research. 

This collection contains:

Learn more in the Source Reference slideshow

Magazines, Newspaper and Journals

EBSCO is a collection of many databases and is recommended for locating magazine, newspaper and journal articles. Explora is the user interface for these databases.

The EBSCO databases include:

EBSCO database list with descriptions

Learn how to use Explora

SIRS Issues Researcher

Controversial Issues (Pro/Con)

SIRS Issues Researcher is recommended for argumentative papers and debates because it covers controversial issues in social, scientific, health, historic, economic and political topics from around the world. 

This database contains:

Health topics

The Merck Manual is an authoritative source of medical information about diseases and symptoms. There are 2 versions: Consumer and Professional. Both versions are free for all users (no username or password required).