Library Policies

All of our library policies have been designed to keep students in class and to support your teaching plans. If there are special circumstances regarding any of the situations below, please contact library staff.

Please consider updating your sub plans with these library policies (we've made it easy for you - print this document). Thank you!


If a student has a problem with their district supplied Chromebook, send the student to the library with their device.  If it is determined that IT needs to fix it, we will lend the student a Chromebook to use while their device is being fixed.

PLEASE NOTE: The library no longer lends out Chromebooks to students who forgot their Chromebooks at home. 

Students may borrow a Chromebook charger from the library for the day. These chargers must be returned at the end of the day and should not be taken home.


Students must be signed up in advance into the Library - South eblock center (Teacher = Hamelin) in MyFlexLearning. Please do not sign students into Flesher's eblock class.


Students are welcome to come to the library during blocks 1-4 on passes from their classroom teacher (no passes allowed during eblock, no passes accepted from substitutes). 


To support your sub plans and to keep students in the classroom, we do not accept passes from substitutes. Please update your sub plans with this information (we've made it easy for you - print this document). If you know in advance that your students will need library resources while you are out, please contact the library.