
Unstressed, by Alane Daugherty, Phd is a wonderful book that can help you transform your body's stress response and build emotional resilience. Below are some highlights from this book.  

Heart for Holding & Healing self (from unstressed, by Alane Dougherty, PHD.)

Notice--without judgement, notice your reactivity in your thoughts, emotions and bodily responses and disengage from it, or witness it.

Refocus--Release muscles in your eyes and shoulders, dropping your attention to your torso and establish a grounded breathing pattern.

Nurture--Once you are in the meditative state, resettle into a place of non-judgement, listen to the story behind the emotion.  Extend loving compassion, then deeply imagine giving them what they need or needed at another time and didn't get.  In this practice, you both receive and give.  Hold this for at least 10 minutes.