Tips for Students

Contents: Hints for students

Helpful homework sites

For students:

( Helpful homework sites below!)

1. Eat a good breakfast!

2. Drink lots of water. Small water bottles are acceptable in the classroom.

3. Get a good nights sleep. Don't stay up too late, you'll pay for it tomorrow.

4. Get and stay organized. Enlist a buddy to help you until you get the hang of it yourself. Fill out your agenda carefully.

5. Schedule a special time and place to do your homework, away from distractions.

6. Never be afraid to ask a question. If you're wondering, others probably are too!

7. An open mind and a positive attitude are the best things you can bring to school!

8. Remember- only YOU can make it a great day!

Where can you go if you need help on your homework?

Believe it or not, I do not live here at school. If you don't understand your homework there are many other places you can go for help. Start with someone that lives in your house. If they're older than you they have probably been there and done that. Another suggestion is to have a "study buddy". Choose someone you know well, or live near. If you need help, give your buddy a call and ask for assistance.

Still need more support?

Below is a list of sites that you can visit for help. Just click where you'd like to go.

Encyclopedia style descriptions of many common topics. The Internet public library. Includes links to reliable sites, by grade level and subject. List of links. Homework Hub. Includes help and skills practice.