Tips for Parents

Tips for Parents:

(See informational sites below)

1. Check student agendas daily. (They should be here any day!) We fill them out together every day. All assignments should be written down even if they are finished!

2. Students should have an accordion style folder (see supply list). Each pocket in the folder should have a label for that particular subject. Some work is handed in first thing in the morning so it will not be misplaced, other assignments will be checked during class. (I will write on the board in the morning if the homework is being collected.) Work does not need to be handed in early so you should be able to compare what is in the folder with what is in the agenda. All work is expected to be neat, in complete sentences, and have a full heading.

3. Discuss the school day. Typical middles school responses when asked what was done in school include a big resounding "Nothing". Use the pages of this site to help you ask specific questions about our studies.

4. Schedule a specific place, time, and amount of time each night (perhaps a 1/2 hour before or after dinner) for students to do school related work. This could mean homework, studying spelling or vocabulary words, reading, or journal writing. Discuss how time was spent at the end.

5. There are tips on the “Student Tips” page for homework help, but if a student is stuck, he/she should:

· Do the best he/she can.

· Attempt each problem.

· If stuck, after a few minutes, move on to something else and come back to it later.

· Write down any questions he/she has, or where he/she got stuck.

· See the teacher first thing in the morning for help.

6. See student tips page.

I recommend that students use the 40 minute study hall time each day to look over all homework, and start the more difficult homework assignments while they can ask me for help. This should clear up any misunderstandings before they leave school.

If you would like to speak with me, or need additional assistance, please call the school at 218-3000 and leave me a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Informational sites for parents:

1. Internet Resources for Special Children

Site dedicated to info. related to the needs of children with disabilities. Made by someone who's

been through it all. If you can't find what you need here, there is a built in search engine.

2. National Academy for Child Development

Organization of both parents and professionals, dedicated to helping both children and adults

reach their full potential. Get helpful info. ,plus, communicate with parents and professionals

from around the world.

3. National Information Center for Children and Youth with


Provides information and referrals on disabilities and disability related issues. Wide range of

information from birth to adulthood.

4. Child Development Institute

Information in all areas of child development. Also includes news sheets and parenting


5. National Organization for Rare Disorders

Great resource for diseases or disabilities that are rare and difficult to find information on.

6. Schwab Learning Foundation

Great resource for parents and teachers. Helpful info. on learning disabilities.