#3 How Might We/Design Thinking

While thinking about a project and trying to make a strong finished product to represent my knowledge, it is important to follow the steps of design thinking. First in order to find something to make one has to Empathize with their audience. This means asking questions to gain a full understanding of a person's problems and why they're important. This area has a lot of overlap with the Define. In order to reach a solution you must first clearly define the problem at hand. And in order to do that one must ask lots of questions, test a prototype and then ask follow ups.

How might we Help Others Learn Math.

For Students Who are struggling.

By designing a Website.

With Easy to digest math concepts, and detailed descriptions of what I have Learned.

I would start by Learning a lot of math skills in depth so I can help other people learn. Then I would ask Algonquin students along with math teachers to figure out the topics that cause the most problems for students. Then I would make a math lesson style page for each unit with detailed descriptions and potentially videos of me solving problems. Then I would ask students to test out my website by following along with the lessons and giving a rating of how well they have learned the concepts. After that I would then make any modifications requested and test again by the same process . All the while asking questions .

This would Involve all steps of the design thinking process. However it will focus mainly on the Empathize, Define, and Testing steps. In order to make a solid finished product, it will involve many cycles of asking questions, designing lessons and then testing them on students. Then asking followup questions and repeating.