Transitioning into Algonquin Regional High School
Moving on to Algonquin Regional High School
2024-2025 Information
Many of our 8th grade students will be going on to Algonquin Regional High School (ARHS) next fall.
In addition to ARHS’s transition to high school presentation, Trottier's 8th Grade Guidance Counselors talk with all of the 8th grade students to review the high school course selection process. This discussion typically takes place at the end of February and reviews the following topics: the process of teacher recommendations, mandatory and elective course selection, credits, Honors vs. College Prep classes, and the timeline for the course selection process. Your child's Guidance Counselor also follows up with students individually or in groups to answer questions and check in for understanding of the process.
2024-2025 ARHS Course Selection Resources:
Attention Parents of all 8th Grade Students:
No matter where your child plans to attend high school (ARHS, private school, Assabet), all 8th-grade students must complete their ARHS course selection in PowerSchool.
Important Dates to Remember:
Monday, Feb. 24 – Mrs. Morgan visited 8th-grade English classes to present a 9th Grade Course Selection Workshop. (A copy of the presentation is linked below.)
Monday, March 3 – Teacher recommendations will be available in PowerSchool for students and families to review.
March 3 - March 16 – Students and families must select courses in PowerSchool.
Sunday, March 16 – Deadline! All 9th-grade course selections must be entered in PowerSchool.
Monday, March 17 – Course Exemption and Course Override Forms are due. (Firm deadline!) The course exemption form is linked below, and course override forms must be obtained up from Mrs. Morgan in the Guidance Office. (These forms may not apply to all students—reach out if you have questions!)
Need Help?
Mrs. Morgan is happy to meet with students and families individually! If you have questions or would like to set up a meeting, please email her at
Below are some helpful resources:
* Course Selection Presentation
* Parent/Guardian PowerSchool Instructional Video
* Digital Literacy or Computer Science