School Counseling

Guidance Department


Mrs. Jessica Anderson

6th Grade (students with last names beginning with A-L) & All of 7th Grade 

Contact Information: 


Mrs. Kathleen Morgan

6th Grade (students with last names beginning with M-Z) & All of 8th Grade 

Contact Information: 

Your School Counselors are here to help.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if your student feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and/or stressed.  

A School Counselor has an ethical and legal obligation to keep information contained within that relationship private unless a student shares that their well-being/safety or the well-being/safety of another person is at risk.  As mandated reporters, School Counselors are required by law to report any suspected child endangerment, abuse, and/or neglect. 

Mental Health Resources:

    Say Something (anonymous reporting if you are concerned about yourself or someone else)- 844-5-SAYNOW 

    Psychiatric Emergency Services - 508-872-3333 

    Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800-273-8255

Academic Resources:

     Private tutoring: Please contact for a resource list of tutors.